She doesn't seem to have an inside voice. When she talks she yells.. loud and proud.. doesn't seem to matter where you are or what she is trying to say! Great!!
The Listi family playing at the park together
Also, Emma is waving bye-bye a lot, all of a sudden.. she did it earlier on, but has really taken to waving at anyone and everyone, and she does it on cue! She also celebrates by screaming "Yea" and flapping her arms, then she grabs her tummy! Too funny! She has quite the personality!

Daddy and Emma setting up the tree stand for next year!
Nascar is getting ready to start!! just fyi..
We really enjoyed our time in Texas and were very busy.. Emma even has a nasty runny nose to prove it! We got to see 2 brand new babies, Ashton and Kane, and hold them and play with them.. Emma displayed some early jealousy while I held them.. It was funny, kindof... I am sad to say I didn't take many pictures while I was in town.. but I did get some of Emma and her friends!!
Karson, Emma, Tai & Reese
She is a regular at walking now.. she seems to prefer it to crawling for the most part, unless she is trying to beat me somewhere. It is so cute to see the pride on her face when she makes it to a toy, the other room, or me or Daniel. She is getting her top middle teeth, which will make 6 total!
Brett Tyler's 10th Birthday!!! We had fun celebrating!!
Emma and Hugo, Michael and Rachel's new puppy!! It's a "bug", a pug and boxer mix!! Really cute and feisty!
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