Monday, February 28, 2011

Let's Rodeo...

So I know the Rodeo has come and gone but I have to say something about our trip! We drove up one Saturday morning to meet some the rain...I was not really thrilled. The kids had just gotten over strep/ear infections/coughs/snotty name was passed around our house! All I could imagine was the semi-cold rain getting one of my babies sick again and then that baby getting the other ones sick..again. So needless to say I was having second thoughts and words with Daniel..who was annoyed with me. I was surprised because he is usually the cautious one and I am more throw caution to the wind..BUT..we had promised to meet friends that we hadn't seen in a while so we went for it! Luckily, due to the weather we got a good parking spot and started our trek. I had a poncho hanging over HB's stroller and the girls were just stuck out. They did have little jackets, though. We saw Dustin, Meaghan and Lillie and headed for the barns. Animals were everywhere. The girls were not as thrilled as years past. I laughed and thought about how Emmaline went from a toddler in awe of animals to a little girl saying, 'Pee-ewww, they stink! NO, I don't want to touch it!'
You know, she turns her nose up at playing soccer too! Where did she come from??
Anyways, so we make our way through the barns. They had lots of great, educational exhibits. The girls loved the chicks the best. They were pretty cute! We went through a petting zoo where they sold feed in ice cream know Emmaline thought that was awesome..until the goat snagged it out of her hands! She was not happy!
We did the HEB farmers thing..where you pick your veggies, milk the cow, place them in a basket, and get paid for it. It was really cute and Georgia was so into it.
Of course we ate yummy rodeo food..the corny dogs are awesome and Daniel and I always buy Island Noodles! The last stop before it all went south was the Pig Races! They were so cute and the girls loved watching them run for Oreos! They also had a tiny little pig that swam!All in all, it was a successful day at the rodeo! It was great to see old friends and we all took long naps..after we dried off that is! Next year, I want to take the kids to see a show with the ropin', mutton bustin' and concert!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Valentine's week

My parents came in town to take us to dinner and play with the babies. It is always nice to have someone else bathe, feed and scratch backs til they pass out!
We also went to a Valentines Day Book Club where the kids did crafts, read books, ate yummy food and of course decorated cupcakes!
The girls got so many nice Valentines from their grandparents and family. They were constantly opening mail with sweet cards, lots of candy, more lip gloss, jewelry, stickers..the list goes on! We put together little gift bags with candy hearts, stickers & playdoh for their friends at school!
What a Love Bug!
HB & AJ - our new friend Anna!! She LOVES Hayes and pats him and kisses him! She will be 2 in April, but he looks huge on her lap! I think this picture would be hilarious if they get married! I can just see it in one of those slideshows at the rehearsal dinner!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Kids these days!!

Georgia's new favorite saying is 'I need to tell you something!' or 'I need to show you something!'. It is so cute. I feel her vocabulary and dialogue has really increased this month. She speaks pretty clear but still quietly.. Usually! Lately when I take her use the restroom in public she gets kindof wild. Not sure if it's because they are all different or what but she starts screaming at me 'me do it myself!! You not help me!! Shut the door!' it's a little crazy and embarrassing but I'm also all for her using potty by herself! She usually doesn't wear diapers during naps now either! Yea!! She is doing great with it!If you know G you know she likes to be naked! She will walk around and say 'I a hiney girl! I naked!' and point to her bottom. I know I shouldn't laugh but it's funny.
She walked up to me one day we were outside playing (in the backyard) and said, "me like to be naked. You want me to be naked. Take off my button!" - She wanted me to undo her buttons so she could get her dress off! Hilarious! I asked her, 'I want you to be naked?' and she replied serious as could be, 'uh huh!'
just because he's cute!
Emmaline is at a really literal stage right now. So when you say something she takes your word for it! I'm kindof known for being sarcastic and we were chatting one morning. She was not wanting to tell me something and I said Spit It Out. She goes, 'pluuuh! (spitting sounds) nothing!' I was like what? She said 'nothing came out!' So literal! Ha! I laughed!
She also likes to backseat drive and tell me where I'm going or that I need to watch out for the police man!
She will constantly tell G that a police man is going to get her if she doesn't put on her seatbelt. She mixes up the word and says 'gaplice man' not sure why?! My mom and I told the girls one time at SAMs that they have to act right and smile or the policeman will get them. So now everytime we go to SAMs she finds the 'policeman' and makes sure she and G are smiling! ;)
Tonight we were watching a movie on tv and a commercial came on and she got upset and thought Daniel changed the channel. Poor thing doesn't even know what a commercial is, or maybe lucky is a better descriptor!
Both girls are obsessed with sweatshirts. They wear them over everything and only will if they have the 3 requirements of zipper, pockets and hood.
E has also moved from adventurous toddler to prissy little girl: while at the rodeo she didn't want to get near the animals and said 'They smell! Gross..I don't want to touch them!' Last year she was all about the animals! This year her favorite part was the stickers! When asked who wrote that on the wall, Emmaline replied, "Georgia did it!" Oh, really, since she can even write and her name begins with an E...that is written just like you write them! That conversation was about 6 months ago at least..when I asked her today (yes it's still there) about the writing on the wall, she said, "Mom, I'm really sorry I did that!" PROGRESS!! :)

Finally, since I moved all their clothes into the closet that they can't get into they ask me almost everyday, "mom, can we please get dressed now? I don't want to wear my pajamas anymore!" then just to mess with them I'll say, " but we aren't going anywhere.. We can wear our pjs all day long!" this brings about lots of distress and frustration! Who doesn't wish they could wear pjs all day?!?!

Kids these days!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Love And Whimsy Valentine's Day
Modern greeting cards and party invitations by Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Hayes Bryant is 5 months

Can you just slow down, time..please?! I am loving this age of my little man. He is so smiley and laid back and fun. He is happy, sleeping well, eating great & growing tons. His biggest sister is probably his favorite person and can always get a smile out of him! I am trying to take in all the little moments and looks and sounds that come out of HB, even when he wakes up at 4 A.M. to eat..again. I think the best thing about having multiple children is that it gives you great perspective on the fact that "this too shall pass". The little things that you love, those will be gone in a flash..and the big things that may push you over the edge, even those will be just a faint memory soon. I know that his not sleeping through the night consistently..or napping or even doing anything consistently is not going to last forever. So try and take in those moments, find something good in them, because it will be over soon enough.
He is getting really wild when he is nursing. His little head whips around when he hears a noise or a little sissy's voice in the distance. He then will make this sweet smile and go back to eating. I don't know why, but I love it. It always makes me smile and I never fail have to give him a kiss when he does this.
He still likes his paci and loves to play with his Daddy's dismay. He takes it in and out of his mouth and it sometimes gets stuck on his thumb. He can sit up for a few split seconds, but usually tumbles over on his side! I think his noggin is weighing him down! HA!
He still isn't rolling over but can get over to his sides. The doctor said this is fine and typical of "larger babies".
He is eating baby food like a pro and seems to like when I mix at least 2 foods together best. His latest new thing was green beans and apples. At first he hated it and would gag, but now tolerates it. He can eat a lot and gets impatient with me if I don't literally keep it shoveled in his mouth. He also likes to spit his food out..and it always lands on me. I guess it is a new thing he learned so thinks it's cool! It probably doesn't help that the girls laugh every single time he does it!
He is wearing a size 3 diaper, but we still can squeeze him into a size 2 if necessary. He wears 6-12 month clothing best, but can wear 6 month. If it is a footie outfit it needs to be at least 9 months.
His new thing he likes is to take a drink of my water. He lunges for it when I pick up my glass. I don't think he gets much but he smacks his little lips and goes for more.
He is getting so heavy in his carseat, but still takes great naps in it. So I will continue to lug it around until he stops sleeping in it! Speaking of heavy, according to our scale he weighs around 18 pounds.
As far as sleeping goes he usually takes a long morning nap, about 2 hours after he wakes up, then has a few catnaps during the day..and maybe one more evening nap around 6:30. Then he has been going to bed in his crib around 9 P.M. I try and put him in his sleep sack over his jammies to keep him extra warm. He seems to sleep really well in it. I sleep better knowing there isn't a loose blanket in with him. On a good night he will sleep til 6 A.M., nurse then back to bed until 8:30-9. I love those days!! On the other random 4 nights a week he will wake up around 4 A.M. and then again at 7. Those are a little more rough on me!
As for his ENT appt. we didn't find out much other than we are going to do a Barium swallow at the hospital and then they will put a scope or something up his nose to look down his throat to see what is going on. The dr. seemed like it was all routine and that he still thinks it should be something he will grow out of, so we shall see!
He is ticklish and gets so excited. He is most ticklish under his chin but also on his "love handles" area!
He loves his feet and finds them quickly. He can even get them into his mouth!
He laughs now too. If I tickle him he goes into a deep gruff laugh and also when I make weird noises with my mouth. He also laughs when I toss him into the air. Love it!!HB, we love you so much. You are such a wonderful part of our family and a blessing for sure. You will always be my Valentine! Your sisters talk about your constantly and are protective of you. They still call you Hayes-man and Mr. Hayes..and it causes everyone else to call you those nicknames too!! I am trying so hard to enjoy your current stage of life, but am looking forward to who you will become in the near future too! You will always be my baby boy!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Baby girl

While at the library's playground Georgia started holding herself and I knew we wouldn't make it all the way across the parking lot inside so we did what we had to do. I didn't want to do it. But the fact that I didn't have a change of clothes for her forced the issue. So off to the porta-potty we went. Luckily, my friend was there and watched E & HB so I didn't have to drag us all in there. I really can't even imagine putting HB's carseat on the floor of a porta-potty. Gross!
We get in there and she peeks inside the bottomless pit of blue and says, "That's disgusting!"HA! It was so funny but I was seriously glad she realized it all on her own. She is my dirty child..meaning she is a mess all the time..she eats grossly, she plays grossly and she just doesn't usually mind being dirty.
My little angel is growing up! AWWW! Today I was chatting with her and I was calling her my 'big girl'. She said in her usual gruff, quiet voice "I not big girl. I a baby!" I was kindof surprised. She usually insists on being a big girl, but she is quite wishy-washy too.
Anyways, then I said, "Yes, you are a baby. You will always be Mommy's baby." I was picking her up and rocking her in my arms.
Then she said it..

"I not Mommy's baby. I Daddy's baby!"

And my moment was over. But it did make her Daddy's face light up.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

First things first

Hayes has met some more firsts..his first snow (and probably last for us all while in SA). He slept through the morning but I finally got him out there before it all melted. He seemed to not mind the cold too much. Hayes' first time swinging.He was swinging at the park and didn't like it, but we have a baby swing at home and he loved it..not sure the difference, but maybe just his mood at that time. He sat in this swing for around 30 minutes just taking it all in. I did my Bible study and the girls would randomly go over to him and talk to him and give him a push! I can see many a Spring days spent out there!!Emmaline has learned to swing herself. I love that she can get started and everything all on her own! She is really good at it and it makes my life that much easier..she has been able to do this since December, but I forgot to mention it I guess. And yes, they have been wearing swimsuits around our house..seems like they are ready for warm weather. This was just days before the great Arctic Blast of 2011!
Georgia's first was going to out of the house for the first time without a diaper. She is potty trained..for the most part. She still will have an occasional accident but has been to school, the library, restaurants, grocery store, etc. without any problems. She is still in diapers while sleeping, but pretty much the rest of the day she wears "wonderwear" as it is referred to in our house. I love that. Makes it seem like they possess magical powers, doesn't it? I typically correct words when they are not said correctly, but this one I let go and even use the term myself from time to time. I think it is so cute and I like it better than panties anyways. So go ahead and use "wonderwear" in your home. It just might insire something magical!!

SnoW place like home...

This past week we were at home was cold and windy and rainy and gloomy. Luckily it was not all for nothing..we got glorious SNOW!! Not only did it snow over night but it stuck around all morning and it was sunny!The girls would run out and play for a bit and then come in and ask for hot chocolate with marshmallows..then they would do it again and again! They loved seeing their footprints in the snow. We also watched some movies and had a picnic lunch in the living room! It was a fun snow day. (notice E is wearing flipflops..she is her daddy's daughter!)
Hayes was still snoozing at 10am so I started cleaning out the girls' closet..I moved their dresser into their closet so now they cannot get into any clothes unless I open their door!! YEA!! Amazing what brings me so much excitement these days! Speaking of excitement, we were supposed to go with 2 other couples to the Toby Keith concert at the Rodeo, but we got snowed out..luckily, Carrie decided it should be a Girl's Night Out and I got to go and have Daniel stay with the little angels!!It was a blast and fun to hang out with the girls! We were talking about Hayes & Jackson doing the mutton bustin' when they get older..those kids are so cute hanging on for dear life and then falling off in the dirt. I can just see HB with his blonde hair sticking out from under his helmet! Other things we have been doing at home include, but are not limited to: potty-training Georgia, making laundry detergent (makes me feel so homey), moving around our living room in preparation for our Super Bowl party, organizing the laundry room, making Valentines for the girls' parties next week, getting our taxes filed & doing mounds of laundry. Next week my goal is to send out Emmaline's birthday invitations and decide on the party favors. We are having a bit of a struggle with the 'theme' of the party - cooking or Sleeping Beauty..who will win this one??