Wednesday, December 24, 2008

t'was the night before Christmas...

and all through the house. Not a creature was stirring, oh wait, there's a mouse!!
Yes, we have mice.. some dead, some alive. Emma stepped on a sticky trap and couldn't get it off her foot...gross!!!
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care. (Daniel had Christmas set up for us when we returned home, stockings, the tree, lights, the whole thing..even poinsettias and random ornaments hung in each and every room of the house! Aren't those poisonous plants?!? We hope your Christmas is wonderful, fun, and blessed this year! We are enjoying our last Christmas as residents of MS, at least for now!! I can't wait to see Emma's face tomorrow morning when she opens her stroller and real moving and cooing baby doll!!

1 comment:

Allison said...

Mice! That is so funny. I loved your rendition on twas the night before christmas...only a few more months and the mice will be a distant memory. Can't wait to have you back in Tejas!