*She goes to sleep around 8:30 and wakes up anywhere from 6-7. She also cat naps in the morning and evening, and a good long nap in the afternoon, sometimes 3 hours!
*Sidney started making this loud noise, mainly to get your attention, and she just keeps going until you give her a paci or pick her up or whatever. It's like she's yelling.
*She has no teeth but is teething pretty good. She doesn't drool too much though.
*Sidney finally found her feet and loves grabbing and playing with her toes.
*She can sit up unassisted for short periods. I am trying to get her some practice each day and spend more time on the floor. She rolls around and goes both directions easily. She is starting the backward scoot/crawl and gets stuck under things. She can get up on all fours and rocks. It's only a matter of time til she's on the move!
*Sidney wears size 3 diapers and is mainly in 6-12 month clothes.
*She is still so happy, smiley, sweet and cuddly. She loves people watching and is usually ok with other people holding her. She grabs my face with her little hands and tries to give kisses or just slobber on me. It's so sweet!
*Sidney is 19.14 lbs. in the 96th% and 27 in. in the 88th%. She is growing wonderfully!!
*Her little rolls are all tan and she is white in her creases which is super cute! Her hair is also growing in nicely on the top and is really blonde!
Sidney Rose, what an angel you are and we don't take a second with you for granted! Thank you for keeping us smiling and laughing and in love. I can't wait to see you grow and change and move past more milestones! Always loving you my baby!
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