*She took her 1st step. It was only one little step and she fell forward after but she did this a few different times. It is only a matter of time before she is completely walking on her own but I am not in any hurry. The girls do love watching her learn new things and get so excited when she does something new! They are her biggest fans!
*Sidney weighed 21 lbs at the doctor and is definitely looking more slim. She still is adorably chubby but is working her way towards looking like a big girl.
*She was sick with RSV, and it was the first time she needed medicine and breathing treatments. It really was a mild case and she never missed a beat with eating or sleeping. She also had her 1st ear infection. We missed out on the Listi family Christmas in Houston because of her being contagious but me and Sidney got some down time at home while the rest of the family got to go play with cousin Sam and the rest of the family.
*Sidney pulls up on everything, can climb stairs though she doesn't know how to balance on them and is cruising on everything she gets her hands on. She will stand for 10 seconds and can squat and stand back up without falling.
*She wears size 3 diapers, size 12-24 month clothes and size 3 shoes.
*Sidney has a little temper and whines to get her way. She does tolerate a lot from her siblings, though.
*She has her 2 bottom teeth and is starting to bite sometimes. We will see how that goes...
*Her eating and sleeping habits are the same as last few months and she continues to be an easy-going baby and fun to take along to most places.
*She is so busy and likes her snacks. I know soon she will not be happy in her carseat or stroller or being strapped in somewhere for as long periods of time.
*Sidney still likes her carseat and usually falls asleep when we drive somewhere. It does help to have one of her sisters there to give her the paci or snack or make her laugh!
Sidney Rose, It's been too fast..but it's been a wonderful love story. You see, we are all in love with you. Your smile, laugh, the wrinkle of your nose, the way you squeal when you get excited, your chubby fingers and toes and those thighs! We would never forget those round blue eyes. You are our angel baby! Thank you for making our dreams come true! We love you always.
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