Here is our little family update:
Daniel: He is currently looking for a new job and is sooo ready to leave the VA system, hoping to move back to Texas and be in transition when the baby is born! Ready for hunting season!!
Erica: 8.5 months pregnant with Baby Girl #2. Emma and I will be back in CS in less than 2 weeks, until she arrives (due Sept. 21), so if you want company, let us know!! I am doing great considering how hot it is and loving being able to stay home with Emma, but also ready to be in Texas!
Emmaline Jade: She had her 15-18 month check up (she will be 17 mth. on the 10th), got 3 shots, hated it, a sucker made it better. She loves baby dolls, rambling, raisins & swimming!

She weighs
25.3 lbs and is
32'-33' tall. I say 32'-33' because she was wiggling and they measured her at 33.6' and that put her in the
95% for height, but the dr. was skeptical because she had been in the 75% for height and still the
50% for weight. So not sure?!
On Tuesday, she had to get
2 stitches in her forehead at the clinic in Bay Springs. We were about to leave for a walk on the land. As I was getting something out of the car, she climbed into the jogging stroller and it is really top heavy (now I know) and it tumbled over. The hand brake with the knob on the end hit her in the forehead and left a deep gash about an inch wide open. FUN! It didn't bleed much and she wasn't that upset, but we decided to go just because of how deep & open it was and where it was located. Sherrie, our cousin, came with us for moral support and showed me where to go. They strapped her to the 'papoose' board to hold her down, which she hated, and then numbed it with shots.. the worst part.. But she was fine and ok once she was free and walking again! So far she hasn't messed with it!

Jeff, AKA Toodge, my little brother, is about to finish up college from SMU and got accepted to do his last class and a paid internship at Arizona State under the Ronald Reagan Goldwater Institute. It sounds pretty cool to me and what a fun experience before he has to get a real job! It reminds me of my days in Mexico before I graduated. I would never take that experience back eventhough it was hard at times!
In other news, we went to the Neshoba County Fair for my b-day a few weeks back. It was soooo hot, but fun and Emma loved the petting zoo.. She really loved the rabbits and chicks. We got to see horse races and mule pulls which was neat too.

We also visited the MS Museum of Natural Science, it was indoors compared to the zoo, and had huge fish tanks, story time and a dinosaur exhibit. It was nice and cool and Emma had fun running around looking at all the animals!

My friends, Autumn & Justin, had their 1st baby, a boy, Hoyt Weston. He looks cute in the one picture I saw. It seemed her induction went pretty smooth and fast. I can't wait to meet him when I get back to CS!! Happy Birthday (8-6-08)little guy!