Sunday, August 24, 2008

Surprise!!! 9 months down...

9 months pregnant and counting down the days!! I just don't know how many days I have left?! With Emma it was so easy because my water broke, but this time I may not be as lucky and may have to time my contractions and make a decision about when to go to the hospital. If you know me at all, you know I am very indecisive.. my husband's pet peeve for sure. So I am a little anxious about the next few weeks! Still I am more prepared than ever.. I feel great, but am finally feeling like I have run out of room. This week I feel like I have gained 5 pounds; I guess we will see on Wednesday. Enjoy the pics from today.

I have the best friends ever!!! The girls here in town threw me a surprise baby shower at Carinos on Friday night! I showed up with Emma and there they were with balloons, presents and sweet smiles on their faces! It really meant a lot that they came and spent time with us right before school starts. We got diapers and wipes galore and even some adorable outfits and other goodies, like a boo-boo bunny!! After we ate, some of us headed to Sweet Eugene's to hang out and talk and eat dessert, of course! It was so much fun and much needed adult time! I really do cherish those hours when we can hang out and talk, eventhough it is usually about the babies, kids, husbands, etc! It was also my first time to meet Mr. Hoyt! He is too cute and really looks like Autumn, such a great baby, and so tiny!! He hung out with us until 10 p.m. What a party animal!
Erica, Autumn and her son, Hoyt
Autumn, Pauline, Allison & Erica - @ Sweet Eugenes after the surprise baby shower!
meeting Hoyt Weston, born 8-6-08

Just a few random but recent pics..
Emma smiling with Pawpaw
Emma and Ally swimming together! I don't know who loved it more!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Emma & Avery ~ sleep ~ Emma 2

Emma and I are here in CS for the final leg of this pregnancy. On our way, we stopped and stayed with our good friends, Amy, Avery & Mike. They live outside of Dallas and it was a nice pit stop for us! We had such a fun time.. the girls are finally old enough to "play" together and did pretty good. Avery is 6 months older than Emma, and it was fun to see where Emma may be in half a year. Avery was quite the talker and I actually think it helped Emma to talk or try to talk more. She has been repeating everything I say since we left!! It was pitiful that we didn't really do anything but hang out and catch up and let the girls play, but that is how Amy and I both are, so it was fun! We really appreciate them letting us crash at their home for 2 days and hope to see them again soon!

Emma has officially gone from 2 naps to 1.. a sad day, but sometimes she will sleep for 3 hours, so it is ok... I just don't know how it will be when the baby gets here. I sure like my sleep! She still sleeps well at night and has gone from going to bed at 8:30-9 to more like 7:45-8.. she is still so adaptable which is great when we do want to stay up later for whatever reason! She also has slept later, until 10:30 one morning. I finally went in to see if she was ok and she was just sitting in her bed chatting. Too sweet!
She has been so cute since she is expressing herself more. I asked her Monday if she was ready for bed and she quickly nodded her head yes, grabbed her blankets and started walking towards the stairs. Then, she started pointing at them when I wasn't moving fast enough. I followed her up the stairs and she walked directly to her bed and waited for me to pick her up.. It was so cute and sweet.. I love that she goes to sleep that easy and happy! It is like that about 98% of the time.

About Emma 2 (what Daniel calls the baby to be), I went to the dr. on Monday and I am 1 cm. dilated. He thinks she will be here around the same time that Emma came... a little after 38 weeks, which is the week of Sept. 8th, also, Daniel's b-day.
I have been having lots of contractions lately, which is good.. my parents are in Vegas right now, and last night I kindof thought I was going into labor. It was late and the contractions were not stopping and were pretty intense..the ones that remind me of real labor contractions. Noone was here but Emma and I and I just knew that would be my luck to go into labor, in the middle of the night, with noone around. Luckily I just ignored them and they went away, but it did make me excited to feel like I am that much closer to meeting this little girl!

they finally got brave and got in the Elmo sprinklerwatching Avery open her present..Avery's 2nd b-day is the 21st, when Emma 2 is due!!
there really is love there

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Here is our little family update:
Daniel: He is currently looking for a new job and is sooo ready to leave the VA system, hoping to move back to Texas and be in transition when the baby is born! Ready for hunting season!!
Erica: 8.5 months pregnant with Baby Girl #2. Emma and I will be back in CS in less than 2 weeks, until she arrives (due Sept. 21), so if you want company, let us know!! I am doing great considering how hot it is and loving being able to stay home with Emma, but also ready to be in Texas!
Emmaline Jade: She had her 15-18 month check up (she will be 17 mth. on the 10th), got 3 shots, hated it, a sucker made it better. She loves baby dolls, rambling, raisins & swimming!
She weighs 25.3 lbs and is 32'-33' tall. I say 32'-33' because she was wiggling and they measured her at 33.6' and that put her in the 95% for height, but the dr. was skeptical because she had been in the 75% for height and still the 50% for weight. So not sure?!

On Tuesday, she had to get 2 stitches in her forehead at the clinic in Bay Springs. We were about to leave for a walk on the land. As I was getting something out of the car, she climbed into the jogging stroller and it is really top heavy (now I know) and it tumbled over. The hand brake with the knob on the end hit her in the forehead and left a deep gash about an inch wide open. FUN! It didn't bleed much and she wasn't that upset, but we decided to go just because of how deep & open it was and where it was located. Sherrie, our cousin, came with us for moral support and showed me where to go. They strapped her to the 'papoose' board to hold her down, which she hated, and then numbed it with shots.. the worst part.. But she was fine and ok once she was free and walking again! So far she hasn't messed with it!

Jeff, AKA Toodge, my little brother, is about to finish up college from SMU and got accepted to do his last class and a paid internship at Arizona State under the Ronald Reagan Goldwater Institute. It sounds pretty cool to me and what a fun experience before he has to get a real job! It reminds me of my days in Mexico before I graduated. I would never take that experience back eventhough it was hard at times!

In other news, we went to the Neshoba County Fair for my b-day a few weeks back. It was soooo hot, but fun and Emma loved the petting zoo.. She really loved the rabbits and chicks. We got to see horse races and mule pulls which was neat too.

We also visited the MS Museum of Natural Science, it was indoors compared to the zoo, and had huge fish tanks, story time and a dinosaur exhibit. It was nice and cool and Emma had fun running around looking at all the animals!

My friends, Autumn & Justin, had their 1st baby, a boy, Hoyt Weston. He looks cute in the one picture I saw. It seemed her induction went pretty smooth and fast. I can't wait to meet him when I get back to CS!! Happy Birthday (8-6-08)little guy!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Congrats to the Harms family!!

We had a great time in CS for a quick trip to see good friends, John and Stephanie, get married. We were invited to the rehearsal dinner which was a lot of fun and entertainment and it was nice to feel a part of everything. John is a highschool friend of mine and so all of the guys in the wedding are good friends of ours too.. surprise Mariachi band
They decided to "roast" John with hilarious stories from highschool and college and beyond. It was nice to see so many people that I hadn't seen in a while.
The wedding was beautiful and the reception, at the Hilton, was really nice. We were able to take Emma and one of my favorite things was the candy bar they had set up. Emma loved the Smarties! I thought it was a really neat idea, especially knowing there would be kids there! Thanks for a fun weekend and congratulations on finally tying the knot after a 5 year long engagement!
The girls
The guys
Our family of 3.5

We are back in MS after a long drive on Sunday, and hope to get to spend some quality family time together before I have to be in CS for good, on the 18th, until the baby is born.

My great friends, Autumn and Justin, are expecting their 1st baby and she will be induced on Wednesday. Say prayers that all goes well and that the labor and delivery are fast & easy!