PoopersThat is what we have had around here lately!
Georgia is in the stage of taking off her diaper/pants/shoes/socks/shirt/bow..you name it..it comes off something throughout the day!

A few times in 1 day, she took off her diaper and would escape quickly. There goes the poop! All over the carpet. Smeared, rolled in, footprinted across the tile as she toddled to get away from me..Of course it couldn't have stayed in one plaace so it is easy to clean up.. Daniel ran from the room with a
green look on his face! Really, it just makes me laugh..and the look on Daniel's face is almost worth the time to clean it up.
was using a training potty in her room and would go without letting us know, so there would be a full potty and I would never be the wiser...Oh, not until Georgia would be playing in her sister's room and Emma would start yelling, "Georgia a mess!!"
Yes, she was a mess.. she was playing with urine and feces..and I don't even want to think about where her hands went soon after! Emma hit the nail on the head when she said, "Georgia a dirty girl" So Emma's potty
WAS in her room and is now retired.

It was another beautiful fall day here so off to the park the girls and I went. I was on the phone with a friend and the girls were running about playing. I said outloud, "I need to find Emma..where is she?" Then I look over the slide and there she is on the other side of the playground with her pants pulled down to her ankles going potty. I squealed and then said,
"Oh no, gotta go Emma is peeing..I hope!"I grab Georgia cause I didn't want to leave her on the other side where I couldn't see her..I see parents laughing, kids pointing and saying, "why is that girl naked, Mom?"
I run over to her..with a serious silent prayer, "Please don't let her be going poop, PLEASE!" You see, I am known as never fully prepared..my diaper bag is usually missing some essential item..but today..I was really unprepared!!
I had picked up Emma from MDO and on a whim went to Sonic and the park because of how great the weather was...no diaper bag, nothing in my car to help out!
Luckily, (and I like to believe it was due to my furious praying) she was only going pee-pee. So I get to her and tell her that she is not supposed to use the restroom in public and that she needs to tell Mommy when she needs to go, etc...
I was laughing (because I guess that is my embarrassment defense mechanism) and Emma thought it was funny, so she RUNS from me...with her pants and "wonderwear" dangling around her ankles..laughing and smiling too.
I finally had to get serious and another mom came to corner her in to help me wrangle my pantsless child. She was nice and claimed she understood. Not sure if I really believed her, but it was nice of her to say!

I just hope we can get through the holidays without any more