*Emmaline has started riding her tricycle by herself. She can pedal pretty good and steer ok. She had a hard time at home doing it but I think it was because the pedals were a little to far away for her to reach. My parents have a smaller one that she could do by herself and she was SO proud..
*Emmaline drew her first letter. She copied an E that I drew. She did great. I was so proud of her and her desire to want to do it. She also likes to draw circles and is right-handed. She drew the first line down, then counted the others out to the side - 1, 2, 3! A few times she got excited and kept going with her lines, but she did well. She knows that her name starts with an E and that Erica starts with an E and is "Momma"!
*Georgia can do a forward roll. She puts her head and hands on the ground and then just flops over. I noticed she was randomly doing this so I started helping her over. She got really dizzy because she was repetitively flopping over. She then was walking around the room with her head tilted to the side and walking sideways..poor thing..it was hilarious! Everytime she landed over Emma would run over, say "You did it" and pull up G's shirt and blow a razberry..Georgia would just giggle! They were sweet!
*Georgia can climb wonderfully and on anything. She has now been brave enough to get to the top of different playscapes, like at Chick-fil-A and McD's, parks, etc and then come down the slides even without help!! She also loves to stand on chairs and be dangerous.

We spent a few days in Dallas..saw some great friends..Amy, Mike and Avery (and almost Ansley), and cousins Dan, Kendra and Grey!
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