Honestly, where does the time go? This fall is flying by and that means my babies are growing up before my eyes..like I can literally feel and see HB getting bigger by the day. I just don't remember this with my girls..though I know they grew so fast..Hayes is so long and his little chicken legs and belly are filling out quickly! I do love the rolls and chubbiness on babies, especially my babies which I seem to be partial to. A few nicknames so far are HB, Big Boy & Hayes man!

I think I am going to have a Momma's boy on my hands..or at least I am going to try! Not that me and the girls aren't close but I feel like Hayes will be spoiled and overprotected by me way more than the girls..and anyone who has seen the girls with him know that he will be "mommied" for the rest of his life! I just have a hard time putting him down! I love to cuddle and snuggle him and watch him smile while he is sleeping. I always smile when I "have to feed him" because I think I got the better end of the deal..I sit there and watch Hayes while Daddy feeds, bathes and wrangles his wild sisters!

Some things he is up to: sleeping, eating & pooping (constantly)! He is pushing up on his legs and when we put him on his tummy for tummy time he scoots around and ends up off the blanket 2 feet away. He is so advanced! ;)
He is out of newborn clothes, which makes me sad because we have lots of clothes he never wore. He is wearing size 1 diapers. His hair has even grown and seems thicker!
I weighed him with the Wii and he was 9.9 lbs today. At a dr. check up at 1 month, 3 days, he weighed 11.5 pounds..so he is growing too fast!

He has no schedule except that he still sleeps alot but is having more and longer periods of being awake. He likes a paci but I can't really get him to take it if he is really upsest. He still sleeps in the bassinet by my bed and likes to be swaddled sometimes. Some nights he will sleep for 6 hours straight and other nights he wakes up every 2 hours. He likes being on the go and sleeps great when we are out! When he gets upset and I can't console him at that moment (in the car, etc.) he gets red and sweaty really fast. He sweats so bad his hair & clothes become drenched. Is that a typical boy thing?! He also likes his baths but still doesn't like his diaper dirty or being changed or his clothes being changed. He is too cute and sweet and his skin is so soft! We love him to pieces and he fits perfectly into our family..I can't imagine life without him!
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