The girls' MDO has a parade every year. It is basically a way for them to get to wear their Halloween costumes to school without having to relate it to Halloween..the first year I thought it had to be a classic storybook character not a mainstream Disney one..so I dressed Emma up as a little lamb..anyways, everyone was wearing their Thomas the Train and Mickey Mouse costumes. She didn't know any better, so that was good.

Hayes' scary ghost costume!!

This year I let her choose and lucky me, she wanted to be Ariel, which I had bought as a dress up costume at the end of season clearance!! My mom was nice enough to hem it up and it looked great!! She loves it!

We got a costume from Grandma of a giraffe..so cute and I really wanted G to wear it..and she agreed!! YEA!! Well, the morning of the parade G must have woke up on the wrong side of the bed because she was not having it! She did not want to wear anything but a pink sleeveless top. NOPE..I couldn't let her do it! We had it out and I won!! Well, technically we tied..she didn't wear the costume to school or the pink top..but her teachers (Ms. Tonya, Ms. Kim as she lovingly refers to them) got her to put it on!! She wore it for the parade but wouldn't put the hood part on! And she didn't really participate in the singing.

They sing songs they learned with hand motions in music class. Neither of my girls are destined for the bright lights..they were more like deer in head lights during the performance! It was pitiful, but I can't say much..I don't like to be in front of people either.
The following weekend we attended the churches' Harvest Celebration, where they have booths of games and food and fun and candy. It was great weather and I braved it by myself since Daniel was in MS bow hunting..at least he got a deer!! Hayes was a little Monster (thanks to Natalie and Toodge)!

Emmaline has quite the arm on her..she throws with her left hand but writes with her right! Georgia throws real hard but with not much aim!

We made it around to most all the booths, played the games, got candy and left with smiles on our faces! It is so nice that the churches offer those trunk or treats for a safe and free place for families to go! The girls dressed up in something else..Emmaline was a bumble bee and Georgia was Cinderella..

loved this booth (Fruit of the Spirit Basket Toss)

face painting was definitely the highlight!

I love fall!