Hayes is a joy! He is happy most of the time and cuddly and sweet. He is fairly easily soothed and is starting to smile all the time! The girls love when he gives them a big slobbery smile! He has good control over his head and is starting to coo.

Hayes is in size 2 diapers and most 0-3 months clothes are too small, 3 months seem to fit best. His sleeping habits are about the same..sleeps well during the day and on the go. At night he sleeps ok, but still wakes up at least 2 times. He is getting faster at eating and then goes back to bed in his bassinet without many problems.

He usually goes every other day with BMs and definitely still doesn't like a dirty diaper. He loves his baths and doesn't mind getting his clothes changed anymore. He likes his carseat pretty well and usually falls asleep. He doesn't seem to care about his paci much.
I guessed he weighed around 14 pounds but found out he weighs 13.8 lbs. and is 24 inches. He is in the 90th and 95th % for those. His head circumference is 39.8 cm and and is in the 50th %. We love Mr. Hayes and his big blue eyes and blonde hair!
1 comment:
He's getting big so fast! Our little ones are exactly 2 months apart. :)
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