Sunday, November 28, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hayes and Jackson watching the Aggies beat Nebraska!!
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving week, first part spent at my parents in CS, where we saw lots of friends and got to play and party. Then, we headed to Dripping Springs to my aunt's house. It was a blast to see my cousins and let my kids play with theirs.
cousin Jackson is almost 1 year old!!
We headed home that evening and arrived just in time to see the Aggies beat the Hell Outta tu! It was a nailbiter but thank goodness it ended in our favor. We needed the win, especially after the incredibly hard loss Bama had to Auburn. Ugh, that was sad. We did have a wonderful weekend filled with our little family, where we picked out our own pitiful Christmas tree and decorated our home, inside and out! We made our own turkey and dressing and ate leftover pumpkin pie! The girls are on high alert because "Santa is watching" them and Georgia isn't too sure of it..she looks around worried and then says, "NO!"
All in all it was a wonderful time of year, we even got a cold front that literally blew in within a second and we could feel the hot air turn to cold! The degrees dropped about 20 in seconds! It was crazy but a nice change!
Now it's time to try and enjoy December as it will fly by..all our weekends are already booked! And I haven't even really gave a second thought to presents.

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