This was our 1st Halloween since we've moved.

It was a busy week and kindof hard that it fell on a Wednesday. It seemed the week should be over, but we were forced to get the kids to bed semi-on time. Daniel and I were exhausted and in bed my 9 p.m. What did we do to make it such a wonderfully, tiring day?

The day started off with the kids getting to wear their costumes to school. Emmaline was choosing between a fairy and a cheerleader. Her friend from her class helped her decide on a cheerleader. She looked adorable with her high ponytail and was practicing her jumps and cheers in the front yard before she left.

I decided that Hayes would be Batman, basically because we had the costume and I didn't have to buy anything. He could have been a giraffe, but didn't seem to care at first. I'm glad he chose Batman because it was a little warm for the giraffe costume. He ended up LOVING his costume and didn't want to take it off. Luckily I got it off of him during naptime. His teacher said he chose to wear it all through the day unlike the rest of the kids, even his little mask! The mask he wore was a favor from Hoyt's superhero party..the original mask that came with it was plastic and we improvised! I thought he looked so cute and was happy he was comfortable in his costume!

Georgia wanted to be a giraffe, at first, again..but I think she just gets nostalgic seeing her old costumes. Then she wanted to be Brave, but I didn't want to shell out $30 for a costume right now, so we compromised on her Tinkerbell costume! It fit her well and was in good condition. She was happy with it and comfortable.

As soon as I dropped off G and HB at school I drove over to E's school to see her parade. I met her class in time right before they paraded (trick or treated) through each classroom. I am so glad I went. Almost every parent was there, mom and dad, and she was surprised to see me.

She held my hand as we walked through the building. It was fun seeing her interact with her friends and be herself. I'm so happy she loves school so much! We eventually made it to her classroom where they had a party. She told me it was her best day ever..and it was only 10 a.m.!

After I left there, I checked out a few new-to-me shops in town. They have some nice things and a boutique baby store! I love finding places that have unique gifts! Me and Daniel were able to meet for lunch at the Thai restaurant. It was delicious as usual!
I went early to pick up Hayes and Georgia and when I went it they were just getting ready to trick or treat at the school...

so I got to surprise them as well and watch them go door to door with their friends. Hayes was so cute and would say, 'tain too' (thank you) each time he got something. He was so excited!!
Georgia was very into her friends and sticking with her class but she gave me a huge smile when she saw me.

Again I was so glad I got there just in time to see them trick or treat at school.

We hurried home at 1 for naps so Hayes would make it through the evening ok. We picked up E at 3 from school and made our way home to carve our pumpkin. Georgia was my helper, Emmaline just told me how I needed to do it and what I was doing wrong, while Hayes pointed and oohed at the guts of the pumpkin. We decided on a basic face.

G was upset I didn't make a scary face at first and started to throw a fit (a regular thing we deal with around here daily).

When I let her pull out the smile from the pumpkin she was much happier because it was so big! We had a quick dinner then went back to E's school for the Boo Fest.

It was lots of fun, lots of bounce houses, rides, tattoos, popcorn and cotton candy.

The kids also got to trunk or treat which they loved.

It was a quick stop because we planned on meeting at a friend's house to trick or treat with them.

It was nice to hang out at the Brandt's because they live close to us in the country club.

Daniel got to talk hunting with her husband and have a few drinks. We took the kids fairly early because we heard the neighborhood gets really crowded on Halloween. It sure did. Everyone there has golf carts, so they were everywhere. Hayes did great walking around and his blonde hair and costume got lots of compliments.

Emmaline was so excited and ran up to every door. Georgia wanted to eat her candy instantly! Hayes used his pumpkin that he made at school to carry his loot and it kept spilling out in the street. He was double fisting before the night was over. He too wanted to eat the candy right away and didn't understand why he should wait!
It was a great evening! We got home about 8:30 and still had plenty of people wanting to trick or treat at our house. We didn't have any candy other than what the kids just got. Emmaline was apparently dying to hand candy out so I told her if she wanted to she could give some of her own. She did and was so proud of herself for doing it!
Soon after, we all headed upstairs and crashed! Another wonderful Halloween with my little family!!

And a Happy Birthday to my cousin Dan and my good friend Leslie..What fun to be Halloween babies..Love ya'll!