Here's a little snippet of our life right now:
Daniel: been traveling more than usual for work, busy being the DIY guy on our house renovation, painted and fixed up the laundry room!! Still won't play the name game with me. He won College Pick 'Em 2 weeks now, so he is in the money!! YEA!
Erica: 21 weeks pregnant (posting this I am almost 22 weeks)!! Feeling pretty good I must say, not too big but finally showing though most people who don't know already can't tell. I am getting heartburn on occasion..seems a bit early for that. Had my big u/s to tell gender..but we didn't find out. Things look good, baby measuring correctly. I am enjoying MOPS, being on steering team and staying busy with house and kids. Now if I could just get myself to work out a bit more...
Emmaline: started playing soccer and made a goal at her 1st practice..she is aggressive and loves it! Still loves school and is learning so much. She is also doing dance through her school, which is ok but I'm not too impressed with it, but she likes it! At the parent-teacher conference her teacher told me she has beautiful handwriting! She loves to draw and make pictures for people.
Georgia: is swimming wonderfully. Jumped off the diving board by herself and swam to the side with no problems. Wrote her name for me by herself for the 1st time. I realize she is 4, but she had no interest in writing or using pencils, crayons, markers until recently! She had 6 stitches in her forhead and was so brave. Not 4 days after she got those removed she busted open the back of her head at dinner (she was literally sitting in timeout and squirmed off the bench). It was recommended I take her to ED for staples, but that sounded traumatic, so I opted out and we are doctoring it ourselves. (Did I mention Daniel was still out of town at this point?) She is looking great so far!She loves to feed the dogs as her chore and never complains about it (hope that lasts a while!).
Hayes: sleeps in his big boy now and doing great with literally no problems. He asks to keep his door open now, but we decline and he gets over it usually with no crying.Hayes wanted to use the potty before bed, so we stuck him on it and he went. Got some M&Ms and went again! He went the next day as well, but hasn't used it since then. I haven't done a thing to promote it..I'm not really ready for that. I don't think he quite is, but glad he isn't scared of it anymore!His latest 'game' he plays with me is "Mom, I'm not gonna kiss anymore," and he makes a pouty face at me. I pretend cry and be sad and he says, "OK, one more kiss!" He loves this and it's super cute that he gets so into it!
Baby #4: Heart rate 144, almost a pound, really kicking and moving around, sitting lower on my belly. G still says it's a girl and is very defensive of her. E wants it to be a boy to even out the family. Still no names or real discussion on that. The ultrasound tech thought she saw something irregular with the bowel, while the dr. looked and said it was fine and saw nothing out of the ordinary. I'm hoping she just had a hard time seeing because she had me flipping onto each of my sides and getting into weird positions because of baby's position. I secretly was hoping she or the dr. would slip and tell me the sex. Didn't happen.
House: We have 3 weeks to be moved completely in and out of our rent house. I miss my movers who packed me..please come back and pack have spoiled me for life! We have ordered cabinets, they won't be here for over a month..WTF is all I can say. I have started moving clothes, toys, closet items over..things I can do myself..I use our empty suitcases over and over again..working well and the kids can help me wheel them in and out of the house! We have painted some, cleaned a lot, destroyed even more. We will not have a kitchen in 3 weeks, as if you needed me to write that. Our appliances are nice and shiny and here for the using!! Thanks, Dad!! Our back yard is looking better and we have started to meet our neighbors. I'm excited to move in, but anxious about how it all goes down. And it's going to add on about 10 minute travel time to school. My guess is Christmas we will have most done in the house, besides other things we want to eventually change! We had bees! They are gone now..but that was another fun hiccup.
Dixie & Gauge: They are ok. Dixie is very old and it shows. She doesn't appear to be miserable, but I don't think she is loving life. Gauge is still his hyper self, though he had slowed down a lot since his surgery. I don't know if it's the neutering or something more. He still loves to fetch and Dixie still loves to fight with him over the ball, so that is good!
So that is pretty much an update on what is going on here. Did I miss something, someone? I feel like I am losing count these days.
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