We spent Christmas in CS this year with my family. After the girls waking up extremely early, we all finally made it downstairs to see what Santa brought! The girls were so excited and loved seeing all their Brave gear.

Hayes was still sleepy and didn't really get the whole thing. He was cute and happy when he saw his tent and tools, but didn't get that Santa had come. We let the kids go through their stuff from Santa and their stockings, open a few gifts and then we stopped for breakfast. My brothers weren't coming over until our late Christmas lunch, so it was just us for a while. Emmaline loved her Brave shoes, dress and bow & arrow and was really good at aiming and shooting it. She ran around the house doing that for hours and days.

Georgia wasn't as enamored with her Brave stuff...the dress, yes, but the shoes didn't fit and the bow was too hard for her to do by herself. Luckily, there is always plenty of toys so she was busy doing other things. There were no naps that day and before we knew it it was time for our family dinner. Brett Tyler and the rest of the crew came over, we ate a delicious dinner of a variety of things and then did gifts. The kids got really cute outfits, some dress up items and Hayes got a fun Benny the Bull riding/bouncing toy!

After all the presents were opened, desserts were tried and most of the family had gone, Jimmy and Patricia came over to hang out. Patricia had fun playing with the kids, Jimmy, Daniel & Jeff drank some beer and me and Natalie pretended to drink champagne! We decided to play one of the new games my mom got as a gift. It was pretty cool and fun and not too hard. What a fun way to end a special day. We eventually got the kids to bed and tried to get the presents organized.

The next day we went to lunch with friends again...Chicken Oil..it was so cold..no snow like Dallas got, but yucky outside and there was no heater in the restaurant. Brrr. That afternoon me and the girls went to Hayley's house/farm to play. Autumn was there too and we got to feed the horses and check on a baby pig. There is always so many fun things to do there.

I am really happy we got to spend a few hours with them and I love getting to catch up with Hayley and Autumn. Friends are the best!

So our Christmas break was a success! We left for home on Thursday so we could do some work on the house. Emmaline ended up staying with my parents for the next few days. It was kindof funny because at least 2 times while we were shy of 1 kid & eating out, we got compliments on the kids' behavior. The waitresses would say, 'Your kids are the most well-behaved kids I've seen!' ..Daniel and I would laugh and say,
well we're missing 1! It was funny. We missed Emmaline but it was a nice break for all and I know Emmaline had a blast in CS with MawMaw and Pop! Thanks for letting her stay!
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