It has been a long day here. E's 1st day back at school in over 2 weeks and we are still recovering from a trip to SA and a little party while watching the Aggies beat the hell outta OU! That was a fun game to watch and I was so happy to see Johnny Football doing his thing so well!
Since Alabama is up 35-0 right now, I am going to do a quick update:
*1st off, can't remember if I wrote this already but I ended up winning our annual ESPN College Pick 'Em group, Roll Tide Aggies. I was so excited and surprised since I didn't win an individual week ever. Also, Daniel won 3 weeks, so we won some money this year!
*I am 34 weeks pregnant. Feeling pretty good actually, little to no heartburn, the usual Braxton Hicks and crazy movements. By the end of the day I feel heavy but otherwise I'm good. My belly button does stick out sometimes which has never happened in any previous pregnancy so that is interesting. I also feel like (look like) I just dropped a bit. Not really sure, but maybe the dr. will tell me what she thinks. I go next week!
*Daniel is doing well, working hard then coming home and working in the kitchen or elsewhere. I hope he gets some down time before baby comes..I know he will need it!
*Emmaline is loving school still. We are still in process of getting her eyes checked and figuring out how to best help her, but she doesn't seem to notice so that is good. She will start up soccer again soon and still loves dance too.
Sid & Vicki in doubt celebrating with Michael, Rachel, Jeff & Natalie!

*Georgia loves her school and her friends. She talks about them all the time. She loves singing and talks about the baby the most. Georgia has started changing Hayes' diapers, but only when he's wet. Apparently she is really fast and beats all the boys at school. Their moms tell me it's a big deal at their house and prayers are even said that they will be faster than Georgia!
*Hayes is all boy. He destroys, throws, runs all over the place and does it all with a smile! Good thing he is a sweet boy and still gives me kisses! Then he'll say, 'cheek' so I will kiss him on the cheek! He is doing well at pedaling his trike and still loves tools! He has started talking non-stop and says the funniest things. A few weeks ago he had an ear infection and weighed 31 pounds and was 36.5 inches tall. He is getting closer to Georgia and they still get mistaken for twins often!
Roll Tide & Gig 'Em!! Now I'm gonna go cry cause football is over..
Here are my parents in Miami partying before the game. My mom's birthday is the 10th..Happy Birthday Mom!!

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