We are so happy to welcome Sidney Rose to our family.
She arrived Monday, February 18, 2013 at 8:14 pm.
Sidney was 8.12 pounds and 20 3/4 inches long at birth.
She was a wonderful surprise to us all, as we didn't know if we were expecting a boy or girl!
The girls are elated and so proud, while Hayes is still unsure if he wants to keep her.
She is a perfect completion to our family and we couldn't be more in love. We thank God for our many blessings and try to enjoy them to the fullest each day!
She is named for my father, Sidney, his mother and her father who are also Sidneys. It was a name we always hoped to use in our little family. Her middle name Rose is in honor of Grandma Jules, Juliette Rose, and Daniel's great Aunt Rose. We think they fit her perfectly!
We love her full head of light brown hair and think she looks like her big sister Georgia the most.
Thank heaven for little girls...
1 comment:
I knew it all along ;D I cant wait to get my hands on that sweet lil girl! Two more weeks!
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