"Mommy, hold your hand!"

after church one morning.

playing at school!

"Mommy, a flower for you!"

Georgia's "Mr. Van Gogh" painting she did at school. Her little voice saying that was so precious!

Just another day of dressup and pretending

Emmaline's 1st school sleepover..it was a success and she loved it. Guess who wants to have a sleepover for her birthday...yikes!

While E was at her 1st school sleepover, me and G had our own girl's night with makeovers and mani/pedis.

Kids wearing their Mardi Gras goodies from Aunt Jennie and her 'sunshine box' she sends us!

Emmaline and her friends at school after their chapel performance!

Sister love..it's strong when it's on but when it's off, it's just off!

My almost 6 year old riding her bike. I can't believe she is so tall and independent and beautiful..and I'm her mommy!

Hayes in his Big Brother shirt I made him when I found out I was pregnant with #4!

G on the new swing Daddy got showing off her new haircut..we LOVE it!

"I'm mowing!" He loves to mow and talk about mowing and drag that thing through the house.

Hayes loves the vacuum and can't help himself but play with it and take out the hoses and such..His blankets got caught in it here and was a little freaked out.

Taking an early season swim while filling up the pool..

The kids' 1st sand angels this season. We made a trip to the beach because I wanted to do something special with them before the baby arrived..still hasn't arrived....but they loved it. The weather was great but the water was still really cold!

Emmaline playing outside, one of our favorite pasttimes, sporting her own style. She still loves to change clothes/accessories 5 times a day!

Georgia enjoying the Children's museum all to herself..the cashier counter is one of her favorite spots.

Emmaline's teacher sent me this picture, a little poll from her classmates. Everyone at school is all abuzz about this baby and when it is coming!

The kids played in the sprinklers this weekend then Hayes broke the head and it sprung up..they loved it!

Little birthday party at the park with those bright colored cupcakes. I hate those..they stain everything!

Hayes loves to play with the mop as well. He told Georgia, "It's Daddy's job!" and then G said, "No, mommy's job." So they procede to argue who's job it was to mop! I think Hayes was right on the money!

Hayes loves looking at my belly and gives it the occasional kiss..we'll see if he's as sweet in person!
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