After going to Emmaline's teacher conference and getting a great report from Mrs. Vincent. I had big plans for my day. Of course, as soon as you think you got your free time figured out you should expect, I should expect, something to go wrong.This time it was a phone call from Georgia's school to tell me that she had split her head open and may need stitches. Being the mother, I get to go to the school and in all my medical knowledge, I decide if she needs stitches or not. I decided not. I took my time leaving my friend's house, because we were chatting and having a good time. I wasn't ready for my free day to be over. And her teacher had said the cut stopped bleeding. {good sign}So I show up and kiss her and smile and call some of my nurse-mommy friends and decide to stop by the pediatrician's office. That is one of the biggest perks of living in a small town, it was right there, so why not. Daniel was out of town and not answering his phone and I wasn't sure what else to do, besides nothing {my first instinct}. They were great. It happened to be lunch time so no doctors were there {...right..} but a nice murse (male nurse) came and looked at it and asked some questions and told us to come back later and see a doctor to make sure it's ok. So the story goes, she tripped over something and fell into a bookshelf. I'm honestly just glad it didn't happen on my watch!
Our scheduled time was right during nap time and just really messed up my whole day, but you gotta do whatcha gotta do. The dr. we saw is a friend so that helps. He is nice and decided to clean it really good and try glue {thank God} and it almost didn't hold...We held our breaths and waited 10 minutes before he added some steri-strips and then we were done. Georgia was an all-star as she is used to this sort of thing now. It was almost a year to the day of when she received stitches in her nice. Hope this isn't a new tradition for her. No harm no foul, and she even pulled off her bandages and glue the other day by herself. I just hope and pray she doesn't split it open while it's still healing. YEA!
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