It is so sad
how did this happen so fast?
Nothing could bring a mom more mixed emotions than
your baby growing up
We want her to walk and talk and play games with us
but we also want her to stay small and innocent and sweet
I kindof dread those toddler years, but then again I can't wait to see her say 'I love you, daddy' and give him a big hug...
I kindof dread those teenage years, but then again I can't wait to see her get all giddy when she has a crush on a boy...
I guess that is why parents have more babies!
So enough of all that...
9 month old birthday- born 3/10
Emma had a wonderful doctor appointment..
waiting in the dr. office
She weighs 18.2 lbs (a gain of almost 2 lbs from 6 months) and 28 and a half inches (gain of 2 inches) She is still in the 50th percentile in weight and 75th for height... yea for Daniel's genes kicking in!! I always hoped his legs would get passed down to our daughters!!
She got her finger pricked and didn't even mind at all!! Just looked at the lady while she squeezed her little finger! She said the blood work is perfect, no vitamins or anything needed.. and the lead test came back negative, so good.. I was a little worried because our house is so old!
Well, here are some pics from the last week.. The Christmas cards are in the mail so you should get them by this weekend!!
getting ready for the big photo shoot!
Emma loves her new car seat from Grandma & Grandpa Gee

giving Gauge a hug!
LOVE the picture of her in the Christmas outfit! She is getting SO grownup!! Can't wait to see you all again!
What an exciting time for you as a Mom. I remember wanting to hear, "I love you, Mommy" SOOOO badly. Now, I ask her to be quiet :-). It won't be long before she is counting, and singing her ABCs and reasoning with you. I hope you guys are having a wonderful season up there. Hopefully we'll get our cards in the mail in time for Christmas, but if not - Merry Christmas!
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