We definitely did this year!
The girls and I hung out in CS until Daniel came in the day before turkey day. We had a big group of family and friends come in from near (Houston) and far (Mississippi)! My mom, Aunt Jennie & I spent the days before prepping the house, tables, food and desserts. Pumpkin Pie is my thing. I love to eat it so I don't mind cooking a few for the big day! They were wonderful as usual and we even brought some home with us.

I also made a broccoli rice casserole and it was awesome. I was so busy feeding the girls and keeping them occupied that I didn't eat a whole bunch at our actual lunch. But I more than made up for it in leftovers!

The girls, Daniel and I headed out before we ate for a little photo shoot. It was not really a good idea..no one was happy or participating. I was hoping to get some pics for a Christmas card, as I have been stumped as to what to send out this year. I think I can piece together the shots...MANY thanks goes to Marigene, my good friend from Houston, who came in town to celebrate with us!

The weekend continued with a tailgate party for the Aggie/t.u. game.

Mark Ernst allowed us to come and hang out with them for the afternoon before me and Daniel headed to the game!

The game was amazing..the atmosphere..one of the best I can remember..the enthusiasm and excitement could be felt..we were so close so many times..but once Texas ran the ball back I knew it was over! I wasn't that upset because I really didn't expect us to beat the #3 ranked team..so it is just nice to know we inflicted fear into our opponents! And yes, you know you were scared you Texas fans!!

I was really happy to be there remembering it was the 10th anniversary of Bonfire falling. They did a wonderful job stirring up all the emotions of that time so many years ago!

Friday, we headed to the annual Reed pig roast. It was great to see many faces we don't make a habit of seeing more regularly. It was also a 30th b-day party for some guys from my highschool - Dave, Brandon, Brent & Josh..wow, I am feeling old!! So many kids running around now. We also got to meet Bella, Ry & Kelli's little girl. She is too cute and was really great all night!! The only pics I took were of E & G when we got there

Emma was cold and her teeth were chattering!! Thanks to Natalie for the adorable outfits she keeps the girls in :)
FINALLY, we are home and I couldn't be happier. I am exhausted and ready for MDO to start up!! I have not walked into this house for over 2 weeks...that is a long time to live out of a suitcase with 2 young girls - shoes & bows are everywhere!!
The house is now decorated for Christmas and we even have a party planned!
Fa la la la la...