Georgia is 15 months old now and getting to be so big, not so much height or weight, but more so in getting around and things she can do and say.
She is at that cute stage where she can wrap her little legs around my waist and hold on really tight! It takes a lot to pry her off of me sometimes!
She still eats and sleeps well.
We attended a bday party and G sat at the table with all the big kids..she drank her juice box and ate things off her plate. It was too cute to watch her act like she belonged!
Georgia has 5 teeth..only..not sure why they are so slow to come but it hasn't slowed her down in the eating department!
Georgia is also showing more of her personality..while she is still laid back overall, she can throw a mean fit and will bang her head on the tile floor. She squeals and gets mad in her carseat..when she wants something she yells and turns red. So there is definitely spunk!
We love you Georgia. We love your little sweet face and voice, your rosy cheeks and your open-mouth kisses. We love that you want us to hold you because we know that too will change soon. Keep on growing and loving on us!
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