It could easily end in a serious meltdown at Chuy's.
So in my defense..let me explain..
Emma has been horribly hard at restaurants lately by wanting to run around and stay our of her seat. So, I was giving her my "last chance" speech as she was wallowing on the floor. Yes, the floor.
As I am about to take her somewhere to possibly spank or talk to her, one of the waiters walks over and jokingly says, "Should I call the 'Seat Police'?" I am like sure, all the while thinking she has no idea what the police are..then I get a GREAT idea!!!...I say, "If you don't get in your seat right now, he is going to SPANK you!"
You would have thought that she saw the scariest thing on earth..she immediately started shaking with fear, tears and snot flying all over the place and she says,
"Sorry Mama, sorry!" over and over again as she is scrambling to get in my lap.
It was the saddest thing. Ever.
I felt horrible.
She could not get past it. Anytime she saw the waiter across the restaurant, she would start convulsing and more tears would come. And she would just hold on even more tight. He even came over to offer icecream and that just about did her in.
Eventually, a different waiter came over and the icecream made her calm come a bit, but the whole thing was just ugly. I am pretty sure I scared her for life.
She will probably never want to eat at Chuy's again, which makes me really sad!
So I will say it again, never ask a stranger to spank your child!!
Erica, that is kinda funny, but sad! I love reading your stories, your little girls are so adorable. :o)
I am laughing out loud! It totally could have been a genius idea...who knew she would take it so seriously. That is great that the waiter was thoughtful enough to send someone else over with the ice cream!
sad, but it sure was funny!!!!
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