So Emma is cracking me up and frustrating the heck out of me lately! She is doing pretty good with potty training, I guess..though she doesn't seem to mind having an accident?! Not really good for those who have to clean it up! So we went to a playdate at Micky Ds yesterday. She had a Pull-Up on..
She came over to me, while lifting up her dress and patting her diaper, and said, "I went potty!"
Ok, great.."Well, baby come here and I will change it for you..let's go to the bathroom!"
She runs off in delight up the play equipment. I look at a fellow mom and say, "She went poop. You don't think she would take off her diaper, do you?"
"No, she won't take it off up there."This whole scenario played out over and over again..and I just kept letting her run off, easier than me chasing her up those tiny openings. And I figure it is her problem if she wants to hang out in her own mess.
So, let's just get to the point..I look over and she is on the lowest level and stops to pull OFF her is dangling around her ankles with the POO overflowing from it..she then sees me dashing for her and starts to try and scramble away. Her dirty bottom is then SMEARING poo all over the equipment. EEWW.
I am grossed out, embarrassed (actually felt my face get hot and red) and just start laughing..what else do you do?? Well, I did clean it up with the help of my friend..we head to the bathroom and finish the job..for some gross reason she kept touching her bottom with her hands..more smears! EEWW again. Other moms were laughing and there you have it! A fun morning at McDs!

The next thing Emma has done lately is try and NURSE Georgia..that's right..she is giving up on her uncooperating dolls and going for the real thing. I look over and Emma has Georgia in a head lock under her night gown. "What are you DOING??", I shriek. I really didn't know... Then she shyly smiles and said, "I feeding Georgia!" Then as Georgia is grunting from the stronghold put on her, Emma reels her back in even more tightly to her, um, chest..I don't think anything came out..I wish I would have thought about her being a wet nurse for me months ago..I could have paid her in cookies and icecream! Emma was pretty serious about this attempt and didn't understand why there were tears of laughter coming down my face. She then let Georgia go free and went and got her a baby doll bottle. I guess she figured it wasn't worth the trouble?!

Finally, I put the girls down for a nap today..go out to get the mail and take out the recycling. I come back in and hear, "Ma, I AWAKE now!!" with much excitement..that smile quickly turned to sadness as I broke the news to her that no, she was supposed to be in bed. Not only had she gotten out of her bed, but she had decided to open the door, turn on the lights and play with Georgia..who was now smiling and bouncing in her crib! It was almost tempting to pick Georgia up instead of laying her down with that beautiful smile while hearing her say "Mama". Neither were pleased when I turned off their lights and closed their doors. Good night!!

We got a watermelon..Emma is in love.."I LOVE watermelon"..I hear her choke out with a mouthful! She gets so excited and will eat almost anything we put on her plate so she can have some watermelon! Don't you just love summer!
That is some really funny stuff!!! We miss you and look forward to your next visit. :)
Okay I'm dying here for you about mcd's!!!! Hope we get to see you all soon!!
Hey Erica -
I'm so sorry that had to happen to you - the same thing happened to one of my friends and now she laughs about it (there is some hope for you!). Sounds like y'all are doing wonderful! Your girls are beautiful - I hope y'all are ready when the boys start calling!
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