My Georgie girl is 10 months old today. She is such a doll. Her constant smile lights up anyones face who comes in contact with her! She is on the move now..quickly crawling from room to room and she isn't scared to go somewhere dark.
I will be doing the dishes and then look to find her and have to scour the house for her..usually she will be in my bathroom..she likes toilets...which coincidentally is not great timing as Emma is now using the bathroom regularly and I can't really leave the door closed. Something I really didn't think of, til now!
Georgia is cruising on furniture and anything else she can easily scale. She prefers to play with toys that are sitting on top of something else. Of course!
She is a wonderful eater. She will eat anything we put in front of her. She hasn't had a bottle in weeks..so I think we will skip to a sippy cup for any milk she needs from here on out. I am still nursing her, but only 2-3 times in a 24 hr. period. I don't think there is much there for her, though she doesn't seem to mind.
She sleeps well, takes 2 naps a day, doing to bed around 8:30 and up around 8 a.m.
She still cries when we put her down but stops soon after. She also will wake up and cry in the middle of the night, but if ignored she will fall asleep again soon.
She is wearing size 4 diapers.
I think her favorite person is Emma Jade. They love eachother and were so cute playing peak-a-boo with eachother this morning.
We call her the "fountain". When she drinks and is not really thirsty her water spills out of her mouth like a little water fountain!
She just learned to shake her head "no", though it is more of an excitement thing and it is too cute!
She says Dada, Mama, bye, baba, gaga. She likes to dance and listen to music or singing..she waves her hands around and smiles. She will even "sing" along. She also likes to wave to people. She loves when I say, "I'm gonna get you!" and crawl after her..she squeals and crawls away as fast as she can..then quickly gives up and just smiles til I "get her"! She is so sweet and cuddly!
She is pretty laid back and will let Emma bully her a bit. She doesn't seem to mind her rolling on her, just more playful than anything.

She is awake now, so better run!! Watermelon and pool to celebrate the big day!!
Surprising that is it 100 plus degrees outside..in the shade it is nice..as long as you aren't moving around too much..back in MS we would have melted for sure..amazing what a lack of humidity will do. Any breeze will be welcome at the park tomorrow!!
Oh and congrats to my cousin Tim and Shelly, on their first baby, Maddie was born this morning, finally!! She is a cutie. Weighing in at a whopping 8.9 lbs. We are excited they are in Austin and semi-close to us..I hope the girls all grow up as close friends...like we did!!

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