said with a point in his general direction.
Grandma boiled some eggs for Emma and Georgia, but we ran out of time over the weekend so we had to suspend our egg dying until Monday afternoon.
It was nice to have another activity to do but even better to get those things out of my refrigerator and cross off our final Easter project on the list.
Is it just me or is anyone else done with plastic eggs, hot pink grass and stuffed, candied and chocolate bunnies for just about another year??
I swear I got Easter grass stuck in between my toes in bed this morning as I was rolling over. What else could it have been?? It made me cringe and go back to bed for another 30 minutes.
Ok, so back to Monday. After naps and a trip to the store, we headed outside armed with eggs, vinegar, plastic colored bowls, warm water, and our decorating kit!
Emma was excited. Georgia was lost on our mission, but excited to go outside.
We mixed the vinegar and water and I let Emma add the color tabs. She knows all her colors by the way. Sure, she is 3, but at one point in her life all she said was blue for most colors and I just knew she would be color blind.

We added our 1st batch of eggs in, pink first, of course. We waited which Emma didn't want to do much of. Georgia was long gone at this point and digging in the dirt under the swingset.
"OOOHHHHH, PINK" with a squeal and big smile! She loved it! So we added more and we decorated them with stickers and plastic wrap thingys and set them on these cardboard stands. It was fun. That much fun even caused G to make an appearance where she splashed her hand in the bowls and caused dye to go all over my pants. It was fun.

Emma even got all creative and put her dyed eggs in these plastic containers that held their sidewalk chalk eggs. She was so proud of her loot. Georgia at this time came over and Emma shared a blue one with her. G put it in her mouth, crunched on it a bit, then spit and handed it over to Gauge.

Luckily, I caught him and got it back before more damage was done. Georgia's lips were blue but that was the least I expected for the scenario.

We had
15 in all!!
Daddy came home about this time - his timing is always so perfect for such activities.. He oohed and aahed over the eggs and then we headed inside for the night.
"No, sorry baby, the eggs need to stay outside." I was ready to toss them, but I forgot about them. They made through the night, though.
Tuesday comes and we are playing outside. Emma remembers her eggs and is excited to find them where she left them. Daniel mentions that they would be eaten if we left them out again. I say,
"well it didn't happen last night?!" Conversation is forgotten. We go on a walk. We come back. Dixie greets us at the garage door. Gauge doesn't.
I open the backdoor and there he is, looking like a lab who just ate 15 OLD hard-boiled dyed Easter eggs that had been sitting out for over 24 hours. He's guilty.
Emma runs outback and says,
"where did my eggs go?" I say,
"Gauge ate 'em!" with a point in his general direction. There was but a very few cracked shells left at the scene of the crime.
He slept outside last night! I told Daniel he would be pooping rainbows!
Daniel thinks Gauge shared some with Dixie but I know
my Dixie dog wouldn't do something like that.