Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Eastertime

That is what Emma has been telling people, Happy Eastertime! We had a wonderful Easter here at home. Daniel's mom, brother & stepdad came to visit for a few days and we were busy the whole time.
We ate a Scenic Loop Cafe where the girls could run wild and enjoyed the cool breeze on Friday night. Then Saturday morning we headed to a downtown park near Daniel's hospital for an egg hunt (for the families of Baptist). It was great because it was broken into age groups and there were plenty of eggs, the Easter Bunny showed up and there was cookies and juice too!
The weather was so nice we headed over to the farmers market to buy some things and say hi to the puppy dogs. We even took some pictures right down by the river which the girls loved.
After lots of yard work, we headed to Sam's Burger Joint to see my little brother's best friend, Zach Ernst, play in his band. They are a blues-rock sort of band, Black Joe Lewis and the Honeybears. It was great to see him and his parents and get out for an evening without the girls. The band was great and entertaining and I was strangely proud to "know someone famous". We woke up early Sunday morning and headed to church, where the girls enjoyed it and we did too. We are still visiting churches but we liked the one we went to, so who knows... We got home and opened Easter baskets, ate candy and spread Easter grass all over the living room. Lunch was great and the nap that followed even better!! Once we woke up we had an egg hunt and ate more candy! We still need to dye eggs, but at least we already have them boiled, so tomorrow we have another activity to undertake!! The girls have been really fun this year and seemed to really love Easter.

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