After our 4th of July fun we loaded up the Burban and headed to Bourbon Street! It was only a little over an hour drive from my aunts so we got there with no problems and even got a cat nap on our rainy way. We finally get to our hotel and in the fashion of NO had to quickly unload with our bellboys and send our vehicle off to the distant parking garage. We were told that the parking was about 20 blocks away and so we needed to get whatever we may need NOW! Oh fun..we loaded up the cart and then we loaded up the stroller and then we were all still carrying armfuls of must-haves. Our nice bellboy asked how long we were staying and that is when Daniel and I glanced at eachother and half laughed, half cringed...about 20 hours!!
We head to check-in and that is when we get the news that our suite isn't quite ready, so we could just hang out and they would call us and let us know! Nothing is that easy with toddlers!! So we scrammble to grab a few snacks and unload the stuff from the stroller so we can head out on a walk.

Off to Jackson Square we go! There was a nice breeze because of the rain and there was jazz blaring and dancing in the streets.

It was fun making wishes in the fountains and sharing our snack with the birds. Georgia was groggy from her nap and not in the mood to do much of anything. We tried to get her to walk and she would just lay on the ground and take off her shoes to show her frustration.

This "local bum" saw the scene and started yelling at Daniel, "Dad, You run this sh*t!" and kept repeating himself. It seemed as if he was trying to pump Daniel up to take over the situation! HA! Eventually she got over it and we went over by the riverboats. Georgia loves boats and finally came alive and enjoyed herself.

After getting into our room and settled and sitting through a rain storm, we headed out to dinner and strolling around. We ate at a quiet restaurant and had more fish and yummy fried foods. We exposed our daughters to the lights, sights & sounds on Bourbon Street at night and bought them feather boas so they would fit in a little better.

The next morning we woke up late but just in time to get a seat at Cafe Du Monde before another rain shower. We noted it was the first time there weren't birds hovering around us! Emmaline loved the hot chocolate.

Georgia loved the powdered sugar beignets.

I loved it all!
Through the rain we walked by the boats again and down to the market through little parks with fountains.

There were lots of wishes made and we were all looking like drowned rats by the time we made it back to the hotel.

While at the market we bought fish fry and hushpuppy mix! E tried on rings and we got yelled at in Cajun by the salesman. I literally could not understand him so had no idea until he started yelling what he was saying!! It was a fun and carefree morning, though! At this point it was hour 19 and we had to check out and get on the road.
Daniel had to get to the airport for a short work trip but not before we ate at Acme Oyster House. It was yummy. Georgia slept through half of it and was a terror the other half. Emmaline went to the bathroom about 4 times in a span of 30 minutes.
Let's just say that Daniel couldn't hold back his smile as we approached the departing flights. He was getting a break from us and I really was jealous! I would have hoped on his plane in a heartbeat. I am certain he would miss his girls but space is a good thing!
-Georgia still really needs her naps while E really doesn't because she can stay up til wee hours in the night!
-We didn't get the duck beads because we have bought them before and they get broken easily BUT they are easier to clean up than a million sparkly feather boas!
-E started doing these romantic kisses where she tilts her head and holds your face and closes her eyes. She is really serious about it..maybe she learned that from her time on Bourbon Street?!
-I don't want my pregnancy brain to forget that I don't want to go back there being pregnant or with toddlers anytime soon...unless I have a good babysitter and my own room!
Emmaline- "I wish, oh I wish for cotton candy!" - she never got any but I guess it was still in her mind from the festival we went to.
Erica- "Remind me to never come back here pregnant and with toddlers!" - Bourbon Street is a tease for this pregnant girl!
Georgia- "Necklace, necklace!" - she really wanted the duck beads, but we got her a boa instead!
Daniel- "I want another Hand Granade. Who knew they give $2 off for reusing the glass?!" - we used to come home with a half dozen Hand Granade glasses, but this time we only got 1!
So all of that to say, our trip was a whirlwind of wonderful memories and overall great, but it was so NOT easy. I was exhausted & my feet started swelling about this point in the vacation! And it took me forever to get organized after the bellboy threw all our stuff in the back of the suburban which somehow caused something stinky to leak all over and reek for the next 3 days! It smelled like fish in my car all the way through 3 states!