On Christmas Eve we did the usual for us..slept in or at least I did!!..went to the chiropractor, ate lunch with friends, church, made cookies, etc.

Let me back up..Sunday Daniel and I actually went out to Northgate to see friends and family that night. We hung out all that afternoon at my parents doing what we used to do every Sunday. We ate venison and all kinds of dips and sides, the guys drank some beer and me and Natalie talked about how we would like to be drinking something too! And we watched football. It was fun getting to do that with the family, except Rachel was missing..That night we met about 15 others out at Rebels, a new to us bar, since almost everywhere else was closed. It was a fun atmosphere and I think I would like to go back. Patricia got in town so they came out and it was fun to talk about her and Jimmy's upcoming wedding. Don't even get me started on the fact that I'm going to miss it. So sad. What a once in a lifetime trip to Brazil...luckily she is actually Brazilian so there is hope I could make it back one day, but it's not quite the same!
Here I am at 32 weeks. 
Back to Christmas Eve..after I went to Dr. Dan's, the chiropractor, I met up with my little family over at the Kroll's. They were busy playing in the backyard with all of Brody's fun toys. Hayes was in a bad mood and didn't want to play until it was time to go, of course. After discussing all manner of food we love, we decided we had to eat at Chuy's. The kids did fine and we ate so much..I was comotose afterwards..hello creamy jalapeno dip!! We headed home for naps right after. I slept the longest at almost 3 hours..told you I have been tired!

After all the sleepy heads woke up we had to rush to get ready for church. We made it just in time to Christ United for the Kid's choir service. We thought our kids could sit through this one best and the time worked out well too. Really the kids did good. The girls were fine, but Hayes was a bit wild. I really don't blame him since he doesn't usually sit in actual church. I was glad to be there and loved the lights and candles.

After that we went home, fed the kids, started making snickerdoodles for Santa and got the reindeer food ready. I think we drove around looking at Christmas lights somewhere in here too. It wasn't too hard to coax the kids to go to bed so Santa would come. They loved putting out the reindeer food and were adamant that the dogs didn't get any! Natalie and Toodge came over to hang out, watch a movie and help us wrap some presents. We celebrated with some pink sparkling cider of course!

It took a while to get everything wrapped and set up but after my long nap I wasn't too tired at this point.

That night the girls slept so weird and woke up at 3. They went downstairs, saw that Santa came, went back to bed, Georgia was crying because she was afraid Santa was going to come in her room and Emmaline said, "well, Santa already came so I don't think he's coming back anytime soon!" I went back to my room and just hoped they would go to sleep.

Apparently I missed that they didn't. They ended up in my parents' room, where G slept with my mom and E and my dad went back upstairs to sleep. We still mananged to be up and ready to go at 6. So glad Hayes is still where he can't get out of his room! On to Christmas day next!!
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