Pauline, kid free, Carrie with Jackson and Chase and Autumn with her two, Hoyt and Campbell came for the weekend. Gene drove in for a day and night from Houston and we really needed her to help with the kids. Even though my parents took Georgia for her special one-on-one time, the kids were wild and crazy and nonstop. We had 2 two year olds in the throws of potty training which was random timing, but worked out ok. Pauline was lots of help even though we missed her older girls to help babysit our little ones.
We let the kids play when they first arrived on Thursday then decided we didn't want to cook so we took them to Joe's Crab Shack because it had a playground! That was the 1st restaurant that Hayes went potty in..3 times! But he went without a fight or an accident! Then we knew the kids had too much energy so we went swimming til they were exhausted and so were we.
The next day we swam in the morning, played play-doh in the room and snacked until Pauline showed up and we hit the beach! It was lots of fun but a lot of work. So thankful that Pauline wanted to go way out with the older kids while we manned the beach with the babies. Hayes was so wild in the water this trip and was fearless in the waves. They would knock him down and he would go under but it wouldn't even phase him! That same day, Aunt Brandi and cousin Samuel came across the bridge to play with us. It was fun to see them and see how much he'd grown now that he is a big 1 year old! I hope they had fun and weren't too scared of the wildness of our group!
That night we ordered food in for the adults and let the kids eat play and watch a movie in the room. They were all so was great. Me and the girls stayed up really, really late was so fun, but we sure did pay the next day! It was worth it because I can't remember the last time we were all together in the same spot. The next day Pauline had to leave but Marigene was able to come down so they basically tagged on the way in the door and Gene took over as our extra set of Mommy hands!
We played at the pool again and Gene got to see Hayesman being wild swimming all over. He is really good and can hold his breath for a long time. He also loves to Superman jump off the side of the pool. All he says is, "Again, again!"
We went out to eat at The Spot to kill some time and then decided to make one more run at the beach. This time we took only the bare necessities. We went late enough in the evening so we didn't take the canopy or really anything. A few snacks, towels and all the kids, of course! It was a great time to go and it wasn't too hot either.
The final night was a lot more mild, everyone was really tired, and we knew we had a long next day of packing, cleaning and driving home so we didn't stay up too late. We shared a bottle of wine and munched on some dips while the kids played.
It was a perfect weekend getting to share lots of time and space with my best friends. I miss having those opportunities. Now that the kids are getting older it is harder to find the time but easier to do at their ages. I think we all left there exhausted but thankful for old friends!
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