So what is Miss Sidney Rose doing:
*She has found her hands and loves them. I think she would prefer to suck her thumb or fingers over a paci but I am not best I can anyways. She tries to grab things with them and is trying to bring them to her mouth. They are always in her mouth. Can't tell if she is teething, hungry or just playing. She is a massive drooler too.
*Sidney is so close to rolling over from her back to tummy. She gets her leg up and pushes on it but can't quite get all the way over..I can't imagine why..maybe a little extra pounds she's packing?
*Sidney is a talker, she squeals, coos, yells, and laughs..her laughs don't come often yet but they are hearty when she does them.
*She is ticklish..mainly on her thighs and ribs and sometimes under her neck! It's so cute and makes her grunt.
*Sidney weighed 16.8 lbs last week on a friend's scale, so we will see when she goes to the dr. what it says. Sidney weighs 17.8 lbs. (95th%) and is 25 in. long (76th%) !
*Her new nickname she earned is "Patches" because she looks like a Cabbage Patch doll. She got that one from Aunt Lynn and Uncle Carlo. I have thought it for so long and so many people tell me that randomly so I think it's perfect!
*She is still nursing about every 3 hours, but often goes longer, and has been sleeping through the night without feeding.
*Sidney sleeps from about 9-7, give or take an hour. Mostly sleeping through the night but not 100%, she stinks at keeping or putting in her paci. She isn't good at naps either unless I am sleeping with her or we are on the go. She will take a shorter morning one and a longer afternoon one lately, like 1 hour to 3 hours. If I am laying down with her I can help her go back to sleep if she awakens and I may catch a nap too.
*She is in size 2 diapers, size 6-9 month clothes for the most part, and some 3-6 fit though.
You are loved by so many and make us all smile and want to be with you and hold you. Your big, open-mouthed smile is contagious and I can't imagine by days without you! Thank you for being the piece of the puzzle that completes our family! We love you!
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