So now I am going to complain: On a regular basis I talk about how bored I am.. nothing to do, lonely during the days when Daniel is at work.. etc.
He says, what do you want to do?
Well hell, like I hadn't even thought about it or something.. and like there are a lot of options.
When you are 6 months pregnant in the heat of summer and live in the middle of nowhere.. your options are limited.. go outside and walk the land, ride the 6-wheeler, ride on the john-boat, go to Wal-mart.. go ahead and laugh.. I do, and then feel like crying!
Seriously, and Wal-mart is when you feel like driving for 20 min. The Piggly Wiggly is where you go when you only need a few items.. laugh again..
I decided we should have our family friends over for a BBQ for fun!! I was excited to have some human interaction, other than Emma and Daniel!!
So I had already made the trek to Wally World (as it is known here) that week and didn't feel like going back, so for my "few items" I went to the Piggly while Daniel watched Emma. Well, I get there and they have no fresh green beans, few jalapenos and no Fritos.. WHAT?!!! I really almost started crying.. but I didn't want anyone to talk to me so I held it in.
Anyways, the BBQ was fun despite the rain and despite the fact that Daniel has to put me down in front of all the people there saying that I don't "work" anymore and just hang out!! That was our weekend.. needless to say, I am ready to get back to Texas to be able to have somewhere to go and people to see during the day!!
So my question to you is, does your husband ever say anything that makes you feel like what you are doing at home is not enough?? He claims he doesn't want me to work, but to be at home with our family, but he is not showing that in how he talks and acts sometimes?? I don't want him to be disappointed or to really want me to work when he says something different?? Confused and it did hurt my feelings.
I will leave you with some pics of me pregnant now and then with Emma at the same time!
6 months pregnant for the 2nd time around...
6 months pregnant with Emma (12/06)
Hey Girl,
Don't be down I'll take some pictures for you at the reunion. As far as husband comments, yes I get them. Usually it's on a bad day when he is frustrated about somthing that has happened at his work and he will let an unthought out comment slip. I just try to be understanding and thank him for allowing me to stay at home. However, the comments have been few and far between since I had to complete my internship. He got a bitter taste of what life with out momma at home was like. Making dinner on late nites, washing clothes, phone calls from male co-workers (completely work related), not knowing where the kids things were as they were bounced around from babysitter to grandma and finally back to us. Tai was an emotional wreck. I never wanted to get it on because I was exausted. He spit on that lifestyle quickly and was happy when it was over. Sometimes when the kids are sick and I am up all night cleaning up puke, rubbing aching legs, or making sure a fever dos'nt get too high he will poke his head up and smile at me like I am Superwoman. This is how I know those little comments are not thought through and a product of frustration or exaustion.
You are doing a great job keep it up. Love ya - Pauline
Hey E,
From one stay at home mom to another. I know how tough it can be and how lonley it can get. B works all the time so that we can afford me to stay home, so I am alone must of the time. Right now we only have one car, so even if I wanted to get out and have some adult contact I can't. It does get hard.. I wish we lived closer so that we could see eachother more. Maybe we could talk on the phone sometime..that would be fun. Not the same as hanging out, but at least we can talk.. Email me your phone # and I will give you a call.
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