Emma is so sweet and loving. She loves to give kisses and hugs and is pretty good with any situation. It is fun to see her become shy and try and hide between my legs.. because it doesn't happen very often! She is saying so many words and trying so hard to have these lengthy conversations with us. It is too cute. She loves her dogs and loves to play with them and get kisses and watch them chase the rabbit! She is a wonderful eater but is definitely getting more picky. I love how she lets you know, without a doubt, what she wants. She will either give you a big nod of her head for yes or a quick shake to say no.. and sometimes she will say it, just depends on her mood. I also love that she will let you know when she wants to go to bed. She will walk to her room by herself and wait for you to put her in bed, then she goes down without a peep, usually!
Her new favorite thing to do is to go swimming or take a bath.. I guess it isn't really new, but she is always up for it and is getting so brave. She likes to jump off the side and try and get in wherever she is. She never wants to get out and sometimes it isn't fun to make her!
It is so fun to watch her rock her babies to sleep, sing to them, feed them, and try and do all the mommy things like put a diaper on them. I know she will be a big help with her little sister!
These are just some of the things she loves to do. She is so very wild and is constantly moving, checking things out and staying busy!
Her Daddy and I are so happy she is ours. It is still hard to believe she is mine. One day on a road trip, my parents were inside the convenient store with Emma, while we waited in the car. I saw a large group of kids and adults walk out and I said, "Oh, look how cute that little girl is, hey, that's my little girl that's so cute!" I was so proud that she was the one I picked out of the crowd. (she wasn't near my parents, just jumbled up with this other family)
Ok, so I went to the dr. on Monday, 2 cm dilated and the baby had dropped some. He stripped my membranes. So now I am just waiting, feeling like it could be any minute, literally. The contractions are still not regular but they are there, among other few signs of labor. I go back on Fri and then will be induced on Sunday, otherwise! I guess there is an end in sight, but I can't believe I am still pregnant. I know I still have 11 days til my due date, but months ago, they told me I would deliver early, like 37 weeks, and such, so I got my hopes up.. Not good!!!
I have literally done everything short of drinking nasty stuff to have this child. I just finished mowing, now we are off to go swimming right now!!
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