What is it with all these contractions?? I went to the dr. today. NO change from last week, when I was 1 cm.. the baby is still high, but he said at least I was dilated. I did lose 3 pounds, I guess that isn't that bad considering all the food I ate this weekend!?! I had major contractions last night and thought for sure he would have something to tell me like, "Where is Daniel? He needs to get here soon!" but no, nothing.. so we go back Monday and he feels like we will have progress then! Daniel and my dad will be here on Sunday and Daniel's b-day is Monday, the 8th, so maybe a baby then! And no, still no name.. hey, I want to know too!! Daniel's mom is going to take Emma and watch her Thursday - Monday so hopefully I can get some rest and relaxation and go some last minute things for myself and this little girl!!
Here are some pics from the last weeks we have been here.. these kids love to play together!

Christian & Emma

wild girls!!

Tai, Ashton, Emma, & Reese with Miss Kristi

sliding together

Emma & Lauren-they were hugging!

Blue sand is the best!
Emma has gotten really into showing off lately! She loves to "go upside down" and do a forward roll and sing songs like Itsy Bitsy Spider, 5 Little Monkeys & Ring around the Rosie! I need to get a video of it. She also is very talkative and has probably increased her vocabulary by 20 words in the last weeks.
Her new favorites are:
thank you
bye bye, etc....
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