or where the stuff is..whichever?!?
So, we are getting settled in SA in a rent house. It has taken me back to my college days of old houses, hard wood floors, and sharing!
We get here on Sunday and the enclosed garage still has the old tenants things in it.. there is crap EVERYWHERE!! This girl has a baby, obviouslsy because there are swings, mats, highchairs, pack n play, and a crib, among tons of clothes and books and other odds and ends. You wonder what in the world happened to cause her to leave all this stuff..
I am ok with it because we have plenty of room and you can close off that area of the house and mainly because we are actively looking for a house right now!
A young girl shows up at the house today..wanting to know if her things were still there and said she was going to pick them up very soon.. I got her number to give to the landlord, so he could deal with her..she and her roommates owed over $3,000...So I call Daniel to tell him and give him the info..the landlord is going to pick it all up today and then deal with her..
Well, 3 hours later, I see her car drive up..then I see 2 cop cars drive up behind her!! GREAT!! I try to call Daniel..no answer, of course, and decide to bite the bullet and answer the door.. I so didn't want to get in the middle of this!!
She is bawling her little eyes out and tells me she has to get her son's birth certificate and etc... The lady cop just stares at me..I feel awful, but I didn't feel it was my place to let her in and take all that stuff....I say that.. the cop said "It's just a birth certificate"..great! So, eventually, I let her in after she continues to explain to me her story..I didn't have the landlord's # or I would have called him...
She gets her son's birth certificate and all the while cries and tells me her sad story of her mother's death and her father's illness and her roommates who left her.. I let her take a box of pictures. I really did feel bad for her, young and probably scared and without many options..
Hopefully, her and the landlord will get it figured out, but it makes you feel thankful for what you have and that you aren't dealing with issues like that!! So, eventhough this house isn't what I had dreamed of, it is becoming our "home" because of all of our personal belongings and our family living here! The girls are doing great and settling in really well!!
Did I mention how convenient we are to everything: Walmart, HEB, Lowes, and tons of places to eat.. also shopping.. it is nice to be in the land of the living and out of the country..hey, and no mice here so far!!! ;)

these towels were sent from my good friend, Amy, they have their names on them!! I love them!!