My little one is 4 months old.. the time is flying..so this will be short.. She is sleeping wonderfully!! That is by far the biggest blessing in competition with her wonderful smiles-a-plenty!! She is sooo happy and loves to laugh and talk to you and squeal!! I can't hardly look away from her. She looks a lot like Emma did but still her own little face. She is trying with baby food, but nothing serious and is moving so much. Her hair is falling out quickly, but I know will probably be blonde from the looks of her eyebrows! She is over her paci and just prefers her fingers to suck on. I will update when we get her 4 mo. stats from the dr. I just love her so much and am trying to enjoy and cherish all the moments with her while I can still lug her around on my hip! I am guessing she is about 16 lbs. minimum!! I call her my chub-chub..and people think she is about 6 months old and always say, "Wow, she is big girl" - We Know!! :)

Emma is hilarious.. she is now 22 months.. she is talking in sentences..her favorite is "This is mine. This is my ____. This is mommy's _____", etc. When asked if her baby is hungry, she answers by lifting up her shirt and breastfeeding her baby. She is very serious about this and then burps and sings to her baby. She prefers to sleep with 2 blankies, 2 larger blankets and her babies. She calls herself "Memma". She doesn't want to sit on the potty, but will be as soon as we are moved in.. She is a very messy eater and I think we need to be more strict on her habits. She gets frustrated easily but we are trying to teach her to ask for help..so she replies with a tearful "pwease". She loves her videos, Elmo and Barney, the most. She calls candy, "nee". We love her and she is soooo busy all the time. She now poses for pics by tilting her head to the side and showing her teeth..hopefully she will outgrow this soon..Most people think she is older than she is and her hair is pretty long and curls just a bit at the ends! Her eyes are in the middle of blue and green and so beautiful! She loves to dance with her tutu on and spin in circles until she gets dizzy and falls down, then she giggles! She loves to say prayers and get her back scratched. She reminds me to pray for "Ayie and Mayie" (Allie and Maggie) my parents' dogs (not even our dogs??) and finishes with "Mamen"!

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