Not only is it my nephew's 11th birthday, but it is the BIRTHday of my cousin's 1st baby.
Brett Tyler is 11 today and he is something else.. he is so outspoken for his age. It is weird because when I was shopping for his present, I kept looking at things for 6 year olds, clothes, toys, etc... that doesn't work anymore for this IPOD and texting young man..crazy how time flies!! We got him a trip this summer to SA to go to Sea World, Riverwalk, or Schlitterbahn with our family! Can't wait!! We love you BT!!

Also, G went to her 4 month checkup today...she is 16.7 lbs in the 90th% and 26.6 in in the 97th%..."she's a big girl"..."I bet she never misses a meal"...We know & we love it!!!!!!!! In 2 months she has gained 3 lbs and grown 3 in..WOW!! She is such a happy girl and did great with her shots! Hopefully tonight won't be a nightmare..
Sooo cute. Just think, our kids will be 11 before we know it. And G looks just like Emma to me, but it might just be the picture. I swear, they have the best baby hair EVER!
Your girls are so cute! I love Georgia's little chunk. I miss having a fat baby!
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