This fast-talking, outfit-changing, candy-eating girl is quickly approaching 3!!
She is really funny and so full of energy. She loves her "school". Her teachers send "tattlers" home, which tell of their day. Isn't that such a cute name?! It will say on the sheet how much she loves to do hand motions during music, how she was chasing some boys around the playground (Daniel wasn't liking that one), how she was having so much fun she was laughing out loud during chapel and how well she follows directions during fitness! I love getting an insight into how she spends her time away from me.
Emma has hit a growth spurt too..she seems tall and really thinned out. Her teachers say she is one of the best eaters, so at least she is eating food somewhere..She can easily be bribed with dessert to eat her broccoli, though.
She has been really helping Momma out by throwing away G's diapers,

trying to change G's diapers,

cleaning up (though we are still really working on this one),

washing her own hair and brushing her teeth, taking her dishes to the sink, buckling herself in and out of the carseat! I am sure there are more, but who has time to remember all that?!!
She is also just starting to try and come in Mom & Dad's bed. It is not fun. Last night she woke up 3 different times, twice crying, and wanting to climb in. She finally fell asleep..in her bed..but then I couldn't sleep. AHH! I would love to say I don't know where she is getting this idea from, but if it is early in the moring, like 7ish (yes, that is early to ME)and she comes in the room, then I let her lay with me so I can sleep some more..Daniel is already gone at this point. I guess that is a bad habit, but a girl has got to sleep, right?!
She is also really mimicking things/movements/sayings that I do on a regular basis..that is really a fun (sobering) part of motherhood!! Daniel thinks she will be a pro at rolling her eyes long before her tween years. Whatever! - that is another thing I am sure she will be spouting off to me soon..my parents actually bought me a t-shirt that said that on it way back when! Wish I still had it, I could hand it down..!

Her & Georgia are getting along much better these days. She is full of hugs and kisses and "it's ok" or "I love you". G is now the one who is taking her aggression out on her "Sissy"..she pulls hair, scratches, pushes, hits, yells "Nooo"...it is really fun! Emma is getting paid back in full, that is for sure.

Finally, Emma is attending speech therapy once a week. I started to feel that "mommy" feeling that she wasn't speaking as clearly as she should be. Her speech had not improved like I felt it should, so I wanted to get her checked out. I was receiving mixed opinions on how different people felt and thought about this, but I wanted to do what I needed to help her.
She was assessed and her evaluation came back reassuring. She is doing great in most areas, has an extensive vocabulary and sentence structure, but is lazy or has bad habits in some speech patterns. The good news is she can make all the right sounds she just needs some help in realizing she is not using them. So that is where we are at so far. I am hoping this is a quick fix, of course, but it seems to be a thing where Emma is really going to have to participate, so I am really praying she doesn't shut down and not talk! The #1 blessing so far has been our insurance is covering it 100%..I am so thankful as I have heard how expensive it can be.
OK, this is long..too long, off to plan Emma's princess party!! Any fun ideas??