These girls are so cute together. Biased just a bit, yes! Now don't get me wrong, they still have their moments of pushing, squealing, pulling hair, tattling & bossing. But I do love their hugs they share, when they ask for eachother so they can play, or when they are loving on their baby dolls and pushing them around the house in heels.
Despite Emma's tackling issues (where she will clothesline Georgia out of the clear blue) she has become quite protective of her sister. It is really cute and I actually love seeing it happen. We could be at a park or a restaurant and if someone gets near her "baby Georgia" she will get between them and kindof block them out and say, "
That's my baby sister Georgia!" while holding her arm out towards them.

Recently, there was a little boy, about G's age, who was wanting her drink and kept circling her and reaching for it. G was doing pretty well at keeping him at bay while saying "
Mine", but once E saw what was going on she ran over squealing, "
No, that's my baby Georgia" while shaking a finger at him. It was really sweet. Couldn't we all use a protector like that now and then?!!
eating spaghetti..both their favorite!
I also love that G will hold your hand now while crossing the street (most of the time). It melts my heart seeing my girls hold hands and Emma making sure and telling her "
Mommy gonna give you a spanking if you don't hold hands in the street. You want a spanking??" Then G will shake her head and say real seriously, "
No..No" It makes me smile!
caught them playing sweet! ;)We have graduated G out of the highchair at the table, now she either sits with us or will sit in the booster. I store it under the table and found them one day taking turns dragging eachother around the floor on the booster seat.

They were having a blast and laughing so loud, but I just didn't see it ending that way.
They spent at least 45 minutes in our plastic pool going up and down the slide the other day. They were going so fast it was causing a whirlpool and only stopped once I forced them out of the pool. I forsee lots of days spent out there burning off energy!
These are my 2 girls, probably the only 2 I will have..but I will always love seeing them grow up together, learning from eachother and even fighting with eachother over shoes, purses & makeup. Cause at the end of the day they ask for the other when they aren't around, they want to sleep together and they give sweet good night kisses after prayers to eachother.