I can't believe it but I passed my 3 hr glucose test!! I am so excited and relieved and thankful and eating whatever I want!! No, not really.. I am not eating everything in sight. I am keeping myself in check and trying to make sure I don't develop diabetes later in the pregnancy. But you better believe I am enjoying not having to prick my finger multiple times a day and worrying about every bite I put in my mouth! It is something I will not take for granted! Ever!

I had my 28 week dr. visit and it went well! The baby's heartrate was fast and sounded like horses galloping and dr. said I looked great. I am now going every 2 weeks to be checked out. I can't believe this pregnancy has flown by. I will get to meet my son in less than 12 weeks or less than 85 days. I am trying to savor the days of having a cute round belly (and it being a cute thing!) and feeling him move all around inside. I am also trying to savor my 2 girls who are so much fun right now.

Emma, I mean Emmaline..she is being adamant about me calling her that!..is now not on board with having a brother. She tells everyone "No, I am having a sister!" I hope she isn't right..it might break her daddy's heart!! She also said very matter of factly the other day, "God doesn't want me to have a brother!" Who knew?? Then at another time she said to me while rubbing my belly, "You not having a boy, it's a girl." I said, "I don't think so. Won't a brother be fun?.." Then she said "You can have two! A sister and a brother later!" She is getting really crafty with her responses & making me want another ultrasound for some reassurance!
I generally feel great and only start to feel really full at the end of the day. There has been minimal heartburn and not really any swelling, so I hope I continue to feel this way! The dr. was happy with my weight gain and said I am measuring right on! He said he wished all his patients were easy like me!! That was nice to hear! Especially after his 'nurse' who listens for the heart beat and takes my weight and blood pressure, etc..said, "You are 27.5 weeks today, you are almost half way there!" Well, you don't say?? That made me feel a little uneasy..and maybe the fact that she can never find the baby's heartbeat and has to call in the other girl to help! I am thinking I might have a job in my future if that is all the training & education I need! Maybe it was an honest mistake or maybe she really is that clueless?!? It did make me laugh, though!

So here we are at 28 weeks (and 2/3 of the way there)! And here's hoping & praying for a smooth finish to this pregnancy! The girls are definitely keeping me busy but in a good way..the weeks are flying by!
1 comment:
You look so cute! I cannot wait to meet little Sprout! Miss you all!
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