Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Free, free, free...
That's right. Mother's Day Out is back and I am so excited! I, of course, want this baby to come NOW, but I was glad I could personally drop off the girls on their 1st day of school and see their reactions and such. You could tell Emmaline was nervous because she kept saying her tummy hurt and didn't eat much. Georgia was indifferent until she totted into her classroom with her lunchbox and we waved bye to her..then she burst into tears! :(
I know they will have so much fun and it will be great for the girls to have some time apart, which doesn't happen often. They will get to see eachother in chapel and passing on the playground.
I took the dogs to the park and got a good walk in. I then ate Thai food with a great friend..umm yum, I have missed it! Then I ran some errands and am now relaxing at home til it's time to pick them up! Thursday I have plans for a pedicure and lunch and who knows what else!!
Freedom (for just a little while)! Not to mention a routine! I do love to have some things on my calendar but not too much and MDO is perfect!

Saturday, August 28, 2010
Georgia's 2nd Birthday Party

We had G's bday party today (2 weeks early) because we didn't want to run into baby's birth. The Kiddie Park is such a fun place for the kids and it was so easy to do it there..then get to come home and take naps and not have tons of stuff to clean up!
We had 13 kids there, all of the girls' good friends in town, and the weather was surprisingly ok for August. Georgia had a great time and was passed out before we even made it home!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Swimming at night
We swam everyday we were in CS. It is hot and the perfect thing to wear out little girls. We would push the limit on how much energy we had and head home in the late afternoon and ALL take great naps. It was relaxing and nice to not have a whole lot to do but lay in bed and sleep!
Now that I am back home I feel like I have too many things that need finishing before baby gets here. I am definitely in the nesting mode and I seem to add things to my list rather than cross them off. I like having a completed list but taking the girls to the dentist is just not going to happen right now! Anyone who has been around Georgia (or another active 2 year old) for any length of time knows how silly/frustrating/traumatizing that would be! So, the list will be imcomplete!
One evening in CS we went to the Raquet Club.. the same place we used to go when I was little. It was almost empty and the girls were having lots of fun jumping in and swimming around. There is just something different about swimming at night that I love!

It brought back lots of memories of many summer birthday parties and nights at the pool with my family. My parties were always there with watermelon and burgers. Also, my parents and us would ride our bikes over there and swim and then head home and stop at TCBY for yogurt on a regular occasion. I love doing things that bring back old memories and make new ones too!
Now that I am back home I feel like I have too many things that need finishing before baby gets here. I am definitely in the nesting mode and I seem to add things to my list rather than cross them off. I like having a completed list but taking the girls to the dentist is just not going to happen right now! Anyone who has been around Georgia (or another active 2 year old) for any length of time knows how silly/frustrating/traumatizing that would be! So, the list will be imcomplete!
One evening in CS we went to the Raquet Club.. the same place we used to go when I was little. It was almost empty and the girls were having lots of fun jumping in and swimming around. There is just something different about swimming at night that I love!
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010
Gettin' it done!
Things have been going well so far with this pregnancy..my doctor says I am a dream patient and he wishes all his patients were like me!! I wish he wouldn't come in the office and say, "So you're having a girl, right?"
I mean, really, can't you just skim the chart and make a mom feel secure. I told him, "well, I hope not. You will have to answer to my husband in the delivery room!" Needless to say I asked for another ultrasound! So here I am at 34 weeks. People say I look small, but maybe I should show them this pic!
I am quickly (some days it feels that way, others not so much) approaching my due date and we really have no free weekends where someone else won't be around our little family of 4. I like having things to do, but I know that this little boy is going to turn our world upside down. It will forever change our dynamics and I find myself wanting some quality time together before that all happens.
Some days I feel like it could be any moment and then others I just know he is going to want to stay put as long as he can! My appt. today was pretty pointless. I am measuring right on and now I will go to the dr. once a week til the end!! YEA!
The girls are getting really sweet with their brother so far..they love to kiss and rub my belly and talk to him and then say he is asleep and to be quiet. They love going in his room and looking at his tiny diapers and clothes. Emmaline says, "oh, it's so cute!" I just hope this continues when he is here and screaming!
Off to CS for a little fun with family and friends on one last getaway!
a few more things I have attempted to sew for baby boy! A taggies blanket just like his sissies have..both my girls still love their blankies, so I wanted to make him some he could love on too! And of course, a Boppy pillow cover since I have the fabric left. This was more difficult but it will work!
I mean, really, can't you just skim the chart and make a mom feel secure. I told him, "well, I hope not. You will have to answer to my husband in the delivery room!" Needless to say I asked for another ultrasound! So here I am at 34 weeks. People say I look small, but maybe I should show them this pic!
Some days I feel like it could be any moment and then others I just know he is going to want to stay put as long as he can! My appt. today was pretty pointless. I am measuring right on and now I will go to the dr. once a week til the end!! YEA!
The girls are getting really sweet with their brother so far..they love to kiss and rub my belly and talk to him and then say he is asleep and to be quiet. They love going in his room and looking at his tiny diapers and clothes. Emmaline says, "oh, it's so cute!" I just hope this continues when he is here and screaming!
Off to CS for a little fun with family and friends on one last getaway!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
And Sew the Story goes..
Is it a sign of the times or a sign of my housekeeping skills when your children are excited about seeing the ironing board and try to climb on top of it with their pillows & blankets because they think it's a cool new bed?
Maybe we have been watching too much Shark Week when the girls are squealing and running through the house from sharks and they make a boat to try and get away from them. They seem to be seriously worried about the dogs who won't get in their boat! Wonder if that will translate to our next outing at the beach?
Georgia has used the potty now once, outside, but in her little toilet. She was really proud of herself and tried to go later (and has tried to go a few different times since then) but doesn't seem to have her timing down. She will sit there and then sadly say, "I can't! I can't Mommy. Can't!" So I think she realizes she is going and wants to use the potty but is just too late. She lets me know every time she goes and is oh so helpful in taking her diaper off any chance she gets. Oh, well. I honestly have no desire to start this right now. I am just putting the potty out there on occasion and we'll see where this goes! I am definitely of the mindset of letting it happen when it does and not forcing it..it is way easier on everyone that way!
a sneak peek of my 34 week belly
I attempted to sew this week for the 1st time on my own. I got my mom's machine but had no idea how to really use it. It is a tricky little thing, but thankfully you can find anything on the internet now so that was my lifesaver. I ended up being just stubborn and just lax enough to make a bedskirt for baby brother. It really wasn't that bad once I got the machine going, but like I said, my personality enables me to be determined enough to start and finish something when I say I will but also not care when it isn't perfect.
NOTICE:there are 2 different bumpers..which do you like better?? Let me know if you would!
SO, it isn't perfect but good enough for a cribskirt for about 2 years! I am proud of myself and am going to try and sew some other things for baby and the girls too while I have it all set out. I think that is more annoying to me than the actual sewing...the mess you have..fabric, scissors, tape, scraps, pins, etc. all sitting out for me to look at as I don't have a special craft room to hide it in. Maybe one day..
"Cheese" - not wanting to be left out of pics in brother's room!
waiting on the balloon man at Rich's bday party!

I attempted to sew this week for the 1st time on my own. I got my mom's machine but had no idea how to really use it. It is a tricky little thing, but thankfully you can find anything on the internet now so that was my lifesaver. I ended up being just stubborn and just lax enough to make a bedskirt for baby brother. It really wasn't that bad once I got the machine going, but like I said, my personality enables me to be determined enough to start and finish something when I say I will but also not care when it isn't perfect.
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