Is it a sign of the times or a sign of my housekeeping skills when your children are excited about seeing the ironing board and try to climb on top of it with their pillows & blankets because they think it's a cool new bed?

Maybe we have been watching too much Shark Week when the girls are squealing and running through the house from sharks and they make a boat to try and get away from them. They seem to be seriously worried about the dogs who won't get in their boat! Wonder if that will translate to our next outing at the beach?

Georgia has used the potty now once, outside, but in her little toilet. She was really proud of herself and tried to go later (and has tried to go a few different times since then) but doesn't seem to have her timing down. She will sit there and then sadly say, "I can't! I can't Mommy. Can't!" So I think she realizes she is going and wants to use the potty but is just too late. She lets me know every time she goes and is oh so helpful in taking her diaper off any chance she gets. Oh, well. I honestly have no desire to start this right now. I am just putting the potty out there on occasion and we'll see where this goes! I am definitely of the mindset of letting it happen when it does and not forcing is way easier on everyone that way!
a sneak peek of my 34 week bellyI attempted to sew this week for the 1st time on my own. I got my mom's machine but had no idea how to really use it. It is a tricky little thing, but thankfully you can find anything on the internet now so that was my lifesaver. I ended up being just stubborn and just lax enough to make a bedskirt for baby brother. It really wasn't that bad once I got the machine going, but like I said, my personality enables me to be determined enough to start and finish something when I say I will but also not care when it isn't perfect.
NOTICE:there are 2 different bumpers..which do you like better?? Let me know if you would!
SO, it isn't perfect but good enough for a cribskirt for about 2 years! I am proud of myself and am going to try and sew some other things for baby and the girls too while I have it all set out. I think that is more annoying to me than the actual sewing...the mess you have..fabric, scissors, tape, scraps, pins, etc. all sitting out for me to look at as I don't have a special craft room to hide it in. Maybe one day..
"Cheese" - not wanting to be left out of pics in brother's room!
waiting on the balloon man at Rich's bday party!
The bedding looks great! Way to go!!!I like the first one better
I'm very impressed Erica! Way to go...your persistence paid off!
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