That's right..the big, jolly fat guy came to visit us at our MOPPETS Christmas party! We had a great time celebrating the Christmas season with a party for our little ones. I am the Special Events coordinator and put together a bunch of different stations for the kids to do things at.

We had a Christmas coloring packet, ornament making, cookie decorating, reindeer mix (for the kids to eat) and reindeer food (to sprinkle outside for the reindeer to eat on Christmas Eve)! We also made a Countdown to Jesus' Birthday paper chain which the girls love doing each night. We had a storyteller come read a few books

lots of toys for the kids to ride around on in the gym. While this was all going on we were waiting for Santa to arrive to take pictures and tell him what we wanted!

I was in charge of taking pictures of everyone so we got to go first! Hayes was none the wiser and Emmaline was in awe and so excited! She was really sweet telling him about her pink Barbie that she wants. Georgia on the other hand was not thrilled! It was hilarious and sad at the same time. We walked around the corner where he was sitting by the big Christmas tree and Georgia's happy-go-lucky trot did a quick reverse! Her little face went from smiling to terrified in a split second! Emmaline and I tried to coax her into the room (the foyer of the church) but she wasn't having it. She just stood way back against the wall and would shake her head and say, "No!", point at Santa, maybe a few tears and some serious stares to see if it was really him. I thought that would throw Emmaline off, but she was all for it, so that was good, but it did nothing in the way of persuading G.

After an hour of taking pictures of the rest of the kids in MOPS with Santa (G had disappeared back into the gym & ate all the sprinkles in sight)

I went to go get her before he left. She had watched for a long time and saw lots of kids go up to him, so I was hopeful. I was holding her hand, and she immediately tried to escape so I scooped her up and did what any good Mom would do..I forced her to go see him! Now before you start feeling sorry for her, I held her and didn't make her sit on his lap - hence the pictures! I am not sure if I did it for Georgia or for Hayes' safety, but I felt it was a nice gesture on my part either way.

They aren't the best pictures but it was a lot easier than attempting a mall outing to see Santa & forking over $20 for a picture!

Emmaline said not to worry, that she told Santa that Georgie wants a blue Barbie!
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