*He had a really fun 1st on Mother's Day..he WAVED at me! It was the sweetest thing ever..he was sitting on Daddy's lap and me and HB were flirting with big smiles and I waved at him. He started to mimic my waving then I got so excited for him. He glanced over at his hand and just stared at it! It was too hilarious! Me and girls were cheering for him and saying what a big boy he was. He hasn't done it since but we are trying! I know this month is going to be a big one of change for him.
*He is wearing size 3 diapers and 12-18 month clothes.

*I have also noticed he is by far the pickiest eater I've had..he actually clamps him mouth shut when he doesn't like something. He is not eating as many table foods as the girls did at this point, so slow and steady it is for now. He isn't hurting for calories, though! He has now recently tried strawberries, watermelon, beans, spinach, and some others. He is eating Cheerios and Goldfish well and likes to use a straw.
*He likes to swing at the park, does well in shopping carts, at restaurants and in the stroller. He still loves his paci but has mastered the art of crying with it still in his mouth, so that is annoying. He lets out this high-pitched squeal and it is hard to ignore.
*His stats for 8 months (according to our measuring) almost 22 lbs. and 29 inches. We'll see how close we are at 9 month dr. visit.
*He still gets up some nights and I guess I need to work on that. It is hard to let him cry because I know it wakes up Daniel. He typically sleeps from 8pm-8am and if in the middle of the night will wake for a short time around 4:30. He is napping in his crib when we are home from noon-2ish..really just varies daily and then a cat nap in the late afternoon. He still likes to sleep in the car but usually will wake up if anyone is around.

Hayes Bryant, you are a sweet little thing and we love you so much. We are so blessed you are in this family and thank God everyday for you. I can't wait to see what you learn next!
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