The girls found their own Tweetie bird in our front yard that we decided to take under our wing so to speak so she could get strong enough to make it. You see, when we found her she was being pummeled out of her nest by a mean old bluejay. She got thrown 30 feet to the ground from her nest and he was literally pecking her to death.

So we rescued the cute little thing. Emmaline in particular has a thing for birds. She loves them and loves to look at her bird book from my parents and discuss them. So I thought it would be fun to take her in for a few days. She couldn't fly and wasn't going to live if we left her there..so what was the harm!?!

We found a box, a small towel, bird seed and some water for her. The girls named her Tweetie, we discovered she is a mourning dove and the rest is history..or not..Daniel calls me the next morning and asked me how my baby bird was doing..oh, oops.. I totally forgot about her and actually thought he was talking about Hayes. So we headed outside and opened her box and the girls giggled, laughed, oohed and aahed at her. When Daniel got home we let her out of the box in the yard to walk around and peck the ground. She loved the girls and would walk on their laps and peck seeds out of their palms.

It was fun to watch them be so in love with this tiny thing. When we were outside playing with her, E would say, "I know what birds like. I am a bird expert cause I got a bird book!" - wanting to be so sure of herself! Georgia was really comfortable with the bird and tried to carry her around. She would tell everyone we met in those days, "We have a bird and a bluejay was mean and hurt her." People would get this horrified look on their face and then look to me for clarification. Fun times explaning that!
We kept her for 4 days in the box and would let her out to walk around and get strong in the back yard. She seemed to be gaining strength, and almost flying out of the box, so we were hopeful she would make it. The girls went to school on Thursday, and when they came home Tweetie was gone. She must have flown away to her Mommy the girls guessed. They saw a little older bird in the front the next day and exclaimed that must be Tweetie's brother! So it was a happy ending to our bird keeping days for the girls.

And well, HB just enjoyed sitting in the grass munching on leaves and whatever new he could find.
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