It has is hot..but we are making due with lots of indoor and water activites!

Farmers Market at the Pearl Brewery..we love going on Saturdays and getting fresh veggies and bread. The girls love hanging out by the river and seeing all the dogs!

We also got to meet Olivia at the Twig storytime! It was fun, but the girls were a bit frightened by her huge ears!

Guadalupe River trip..our day on the river was so much fun..especially with the bug juice and Jimmy's hair cut!

'Gettin' loopy on the Guadalupe' - is what our shirts said! We had a blast on our adult river trip! Little to no sleep has left us exhausted, but still so worth it!

Jackson, Carrie & Marvin came over to swim one day..we sure will miss them!

Bathing suit fun for the girls...they were on their 3rd change for the afternoon!

Mr. Hayes is so cute in Jackson's float. He seems to love swimming so far!

Here is G with all her purses and bags and items. She is quite the hoarder!

Lots of fun so far this summer..can't wait to see what we do next!
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