We went back to our spot in Fredericksburg to pick their peaches this time around. It was another great activity for the girls to participate in and they definitely participated.

Georgia loved eating those fresh peaches and didn't bat an eye at some with bugs on them. The juice was running down to her elbows. She was a hot Texas mess, as usual!

Emmaline loved them as well..though she was a little more standofish at the site of bugs! She was the BIG helper in the kitchen with Daddy. They made a truly homemade peach pie that was amazing!

Lucky me, all I had to do was buy some Blue Bell icecream and take a photo or 2 of them in action!

We ate lots of fresh peaches, froze some and made some into jam also. I can't wait to go back and get some more peaches..you just can't beat fresh picked by yourself peaches!

Uncle Stephen, Daniel's little brother, got to tag along with us..we also visited Luckenbach and ate lunch in Boerne while he was here. It was a fun weekend for sure!
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