Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Superstars & Rising Stars

The girls had their first gymnastics class on Monday. It was a slow and grumpy start for Miss Georgia because I had to wake her up from a nap (and Hayes too) but eventually we got there in one piece and the excitement was there! While I was dealing with her whining I thought there is no way I want to do this every Monday (wake them up from naps) so I was a little leary of it all..
On the way there, Emmaline was telling G, "I will be with my teacher and you will be in the little gym. I bet they have cell phones and your teacher can call my teacher if you need me! OK?!" It was really sweet.We waited for Coach Josh to call Emmaline's class onto the floor with much anticipation. As soon as he opened the door, she froze..I literally had to shove her in, twice, and walk away. I wasn't really surprised but hated that I had to truck over to G's building to get her started too. I wasn't sure if Emmaline was loving life or hating it. We walked in and saw Georgia's class..one teacher and one other little girl. G ran right out onto the floor, but was not into following directions or stretching. She told her teacher, "my legs are sore!" I had to change HB's diaper so I left her too. At this point, I was thinking that I am not about to spend this kind of money to have my kids be so shy and not even do what the coach asks!...I settle in to watch and see Georgia finally enjoying herself and following directions!! She does a really good job and got a stamp and sticker! SCORE!
After talking with the other little girl's mom, I find out that her daughter is in G's MDO class that is starting, so they will get to see eachother lots! We head back over to the big kids' gym and watch Emmaline. She is beaming and bouncing everywhere she goes. She got high fives on the balance beam and I saw her do backward rolls. She also got to jump off a rope into the 'marshmallow pit'. She has 2 girls and 1 boy in her class! So it was a success for all!!When we got home we had a popsicle snack outside and realized we want to go back to gymnastics again! Also, the best thing that happened was them opening another class, so now we are going on Thursdays after MDO and won't be rushing or waking anyone up from naps!! YEA!! I think this is going to be great for them and their self confidence! {I will be getting better pics of the girls soon, didn't have my good camera}

Saturday, August 27, 2011

I'm getting busy

"whoa...I'm getting busy," as she spins around and around. At first I was confused but quickly realized Georgia meant 'Dizzy'! I love those little misspoken words by almost 3 year olds. "Sank You" 'Thank you' and "I want a Sack" 'Snack'. Also, when she wants to say 'I am', she says, "I ma'am".

All this to say that We are getting Busy around here and it is making me Dizzy as I sort through all the things coming up. I am pretty much ready for the next few weeks to be over. I do love birthdays and celebrating but September is a full month for our family. I go back and forth between what to do, what to buy, how to celebrate, not wanting to leave anyone out.. I can only imagine what it will be like when all of these people KNOW it is their birthday and UNDERSTAND what it is all about. I guess I better enjoy it while I can.

We are embarking on extracurricular activities for the girls! I know this isn't that big of a deal, but it sure was a harder decision for me than I thought it was going to be. Dance, gymnastics...what to do?? Emmaline loves dance but I just think she will get more physically out of gymnastics at this age. I have no problem letting her do dance next if she decides it isn't for her. Same with Georgia. Honestly, I'm not so sure G is ready to participate, period. She is so moody, you just never know when she will decide she doesn't want to do something and good luck getting her to do it! We shall see..this coming Monday is their 1st class! Then, we have MDO starting up! Praise The Lord! I am so thankful for this and eventhough it isn't new to us, the teachers, program and friends are this year. All of our 'friends' went to different schools and the program has changed up a bit with a new director. I think it will be great, but it was still different heading up to the parent orientation and seeing new faces. I'm not really a fan of change. HA, I'm so screwed! With all that said...I am ready to shuffle the girls off to school to meet new friends and play and learn and just maybe I can have a break and go to lunch with my girlfriends!!

AWANA program is our next new endeavor. I am also really excited about this. It is a Bible class for the girls..they learn scriptures, songs, stories and get to play on Wednesday evenings. I think they will love it and a little extra Jesus time never hurt, right!?! I guess I am just concerned all of these activities will be too much all at once.

Finally, we have MOPS starting. This is nothing new. I love MOPS and am excited to start up again. We have been working together on the new year and are pretty much ready to go. I have a new position this year..Registrar. I don't think it's going to be as easy as Playdate Coordinator was, but something different. I am a little concerned about being in charge of the budget..that isn't really my thing, but maybe it will help me learn! Also, I am the first person to speak to the Moms and register them..so I need to know their names..you know, to be polite and all..I am terrible with names. I guess it will something else for me to work on!

So, as you can see, we are gearing up for a lot of STUFF! Not to forget that all of these new things are starting up at the same time that Birthday central is happening..September 1, 8, 11, 12 are all very important dates in our house! We are also squeezing in a Baby Shower for a sweet Girl and a hunting trip to South Padre.. ALL of this is happening on or before September 12, 2011!

After that, I'm pretty much going to take a long nap! Then, I'll need to hurry to the gym to exercise off all the cake I ate!Hayes isn't the only one that needs a drink! ;)

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Jeep

The first car I drove was a Jeep. I learned how to drive stick on that baby blue Jeep Wrangler and loved to drive around town with the top and doors off blaring all my favorite tapes! One I vividly remember is Baby Got Back. That is a fun song to sing to! I used to 'borrow' the Jeep before I had my license and drive around my neighborhood practicing on the stick.
My grandma actually won the Jeep in a contest at a drug store in Alabama. She kindly gave it over to the family for all of our running around on our land in Mississippi. We would go mudding in it through the 'Megas' and stand up holding on for dear life. While my dad drove on the dirt roads we would stand on the back bumper and pretend we were trashmen. He would stop the Jeep and we hopped off and picked up any trash we could find. It was so much fun! I'm sure it was super safe.
Eventually, my brother and I got to drive it as our first cars. I am sure he has plenty of fond memories of it too. Now that Jeep is back in Mississippi and my girls are getting to ride in the backseat with the wind in their hair. I am thankful they get to experience some of my favorite memories too.
I wish I had a picture on my computer of it. Me and my friends used to drive to Lake Somerville, go mudding, use the winch to get ourselves out of it and cram lots of people and stuff in there. The stories go on and on.
The reason I even am recalling all of this is because of this flashback/flashforward I recently had...my girls..driving in a jeep..in their swimsuits..with the music so loud they couldn't hear what we were yelling at them..top down and smiles on their faces. And even a little wet from the waterhose (I did get caught in a rainstorm on a few occasions)!So now I am trying to decide if I hope my girls have a fun Jeep to drive when they are 16 or if I'm praying they just want their Mommy to drive them around everywhere...but I'm not ready to think about that just yet! "Girls, where on earth have you been? Get inside and get cleaned up before you catch cold and your father sees you!"

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Zoo fun in the hot sun!

We have gone to the zoo a few times this summer. It is always fun when we go even with the heat. This time was the first that Hayes got out of the stroller a lot and roamed around. He loves it but it is nasty sometimes since he is still crawling.HB loved cruising through the tunnels in the kids area!HB on a play waterbed for toddlers. He was scary on this cause he kept trying to crawl off the sides and it is about 2 feet off the ground.Emmaline can't keep her hands off of her brother. It is quite annoying for me, probably for him too. She loves him so much though and is sweet to him! The girls were walking the lilypads on the way to the beach area! My favorite part of this zoo for sure!Emmaline on the dragon. G wasn't game for this.

I am so ready for summer to be done. It is hot and stays around 95 at night. Football and fall can't get here soon enough for me! It may have something to do with MDO just around the corner.

Friday, August 12, 2011

White Trash Charlie Brown

This is what Daniel called HB the other night..He was wearing this shirt and Daniel said 'he looks like Charlie Brown with this shirt on and look at his hair!' so there you go..I thought I would do a comparison I guess I can see the resemblance.

So what is more white trash? Ready...
this outside bath
or this inside bath..I told you it would be WT. The dishes were clean and hey, at least he was even getting a warm bath.. Those are a hot comodity around these parts in the summer!Shaving cream fun!!
And now the elusive 1st tooth!!! Finally..but he isn't so happy about it yet, but does like his toothbrush!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hayes Bryant is 11 months

Things have been a changing around these parts.
*Hayes is now weaned..he drinks whole milk out of a sippy cup and I still have some breast milk frozen that I add to it also. He seems to like it fine and also drinks water and little juice.
*He is finally getting TEETH!! He is cutting his bottom middle 2 teeth right now, pretty fussy and getting a slight rash on his chin from all the drool! Luckily his paci is helping keep him pretty quiet.
*He is a wild man - crawling fast, pulling up and he also has stood on a few times on his own..when he realized it he dropped down. He stood for 10 seconds today on his own..we were squealing and clapping..he was so proud! He is getting into things..cabinets, plugs, cords, the toilet, the dishwasher..basically anywhere he can!*Hayes is eating better..still more picky than his sisters at this age but eats plenty vegetables, fruits and meat. He likes chicken, breads, watermelon, strawberries, carrots, sweet potatoes, beans.
*He seems to have a sweet tooth. I have given his bites of icecream and he loves it..He gets upset when I try to throw it away and squeals. He also likes cake, so I am thinking his 1st birthday smash cake will be fun!
*He is still in size 3 diapers and wears 12-24 month clothes best, though can't wear anything that is just 12 months like footie pajamas.
*He has really slimmed down and looks like a little boy instead of a baby.
*HB loves his sisters and looks for them..Also, he cries when Daddy leaves the room..the girls never did this at this age so that is fun! He also cries when he sees me or hears my voice and realizes I am not holding him.
*Hayes is quite the talker and mimicker.. Dada, Mama (when upset), Bi (bite), Mo (more), Ba (ball), Hey or Hi, Bye, Pay (play), He also makes a car noise kindof (puts his lips together and blows (bwoooo). He thinks that it funny!
* He likes to wave, play Peek-A-Boo and clap.
*He also tries to help us dress him, he will put him arm in the holes and push through, same with his legs. His sisters picked up on this quickly so I am sure he will do the same!
*He has gotten into the toilet twice and loves to sit on the dishwasher and take out the silverware. He is busy and loves to crawl over things. He also likes to be outside in the water..he drinks it and dives face first into it..*He is now facing forward in a convertible carseat..He was crammed in the infant one and the straps didn't fit him, so we made the switch last week..He seems fine with it so far, can see the tv though doesn't seem to care..the only negative is that he can't sleep as well in it, so he isn't getting a long nap on those long rides like before!I love you HB and love what a big boy you are becoming. I am cherishing those times you put your head down on my chest and play with my necklace. Even if you only say Mama when you are sad, I love hearing it! You still give great kisses and your smile is to die for! What an amazing gift you are!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Flying L

Leslie gave us her tickets that she got from groupon and we headed to the Flying L in Bandera. It was a fun day. I have to say I was kindof pouty because I wanted to stay until the last smores were burned in the campfire, but Daniel and the kids couldn't hang. At least, we didn't give them the chance to show us they couldn't!We got to hit up the waterpark which is a good size for younger kids, see the horses, & play putt-putt. All the kids did great..Emmaline is a little fish and wanted to go off on her own, and she rode the slide by herself finally! Georgia was a little more laid back and took it all in..she isn't a fan of water sprayed on her head that she can't control, but she also rode the slide with Daniel and me. She loves things once she tries them! And HB just drank as much water as he could and crawled around smiling the rest of the time. The lazy river was fun and it took me back two summers ago when G fell asleep on Daniel in the lazy river at the Hyatt..sweetness!It was a great day..I will say putt-putt may be a few more years off in the distance for us..the girls didn't care too much about it, but they at least attempted to drag the ball in the hole! Now I know how to do it there though...have naps at home early, then head out around 4, hit up the waterpark til it's time for all the other activities to begin at dusk! Next time!!

Thanks to the McLeans for not using your groupon for a year so we could!! ;)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Cousin Maddie's 2nd birthday

We went to my cousin, Tim's, daughter's 2nd birthday party in Cedar Park a few weekends back! She had it at a splash pad which is perfect for summer birthdays! She is so cute...I love her curly hair! It was great to see Madeleine, her brother Noah, who is just a few months younger than HB, my other cousin's boy, Grey and cousin, Rachel's son, Jackson. I wanted to get a pic of them all together but it wasn't going to happen..they were all over the place!We love getting to spend time with them and the kids are so much fun to watch being close in age and playing together more!here G is trying to 'save' HB from getting sprayed..she doesn't like the water on her head!

Monday, August 1, 2011

What a Payne!

DUDE!! {it says on their cool sweatbands we got at Mulligans}
The Paynes came to visit us this past 2 weekends..when they weren't in SA they hit up Port Royal. We were so happy to have them come and play with us. Their little girl, Julie, is adorable! She is smack dab in the middle of Georgia & Hayes with a September birthday too!She is such a good mixture of both her parents!!
The girls got along really well and played inside and out for hours. We finally had to cut them off after an awesome spaghetti dinner homemade by Daniel..baths and bedtime!Hayes doesn't seem to like pasta!! GASP! Whose child is this?As usual, the adults stayed up way past our bedtime. We had some great conversations and it was all worth it! After a week away, the Paynes came back and got to stay at the JW Marriott. So of course we ran over as fast as we could to ride the lazy river and slides! It was a blast and great spot for our young kids. We even got a night out without the kids. We always have a fun time with them and hope to make a trip to Arkansas this fall to see them!We let Julie borrow some play clothes and we put her in a BAMA t-shirt...her parents weren't so thrilled!