Things have been a changing around these parts.
*Hayes is now weaned..he drinks whole milk out of a sippy cup and I still have some breast milk frozen that I add to it also. He seems to like it fine and also drinks water and little juice.
*He is finally getting TEETH!! He is cutting his bottom middle 2 teeth right now, pretty fussy and getting a slight rash on his chin from all the drool! Luckily his paci is helping keep him pretty quiet.
*He is a wild man - crawling fast, pulling up and he also has stood on a few times on his own..when he realized it he dropped down. He stood for 10 seconds today on his own..we were squealing and clapping..he was so proud! He is getting into things..cabinets, plugs, cords, the toilet, the dishwasher..basically anywhere he can!

*Hayes is eating better..still more picky than his sisters at this age but eats plenty vegetables, fruits and meat. He likes chicken, breads, watermelon, strawberries, carrots, sweet potatoes, beans.
*He seems to have a sweet tooth. I have given his bites of icecream and he loves it..He gets upset when I try to throw it away and squeals. He also likes cake, so I am thinking his 1st birthday smash cake will be fun!
*He is still in size 3 diapers and wears 12-24 month clothes best, though can't wear anything that is just 12 months like footie pajamas.
*He has really slimmed down and looks like a little boy instead of a baby.
*HB loves his sisters and looks for them..Also, he cries when Daddy leaves the room..the girls never did this at this age so that is fun! He also cries when he sees me or hears my voice and realizes I am not holding him.
*Hayes is quite the talker and mimicker.. Dada, Mama (when upset), Bi (bite), Mo (more), Ba (ball), Hey or Hi, Bye, Pay (play), He also makes a car noise kindof (puts his lips together and blows (bwoooo). He thinks that it funny!
* He likes to wave, play Peek-A-Boo and clap.
*He also tries to help us dress him, he will put him arm in the holes and push through, same with his legs. His sisters picked up on this quickly so I am sure he will do the same!
*He has gotten into the toilet twice and loves to sit on the dishwasher and take out the silverware. He is busy and loves to crawl over things. He also likes to be outside in the water..he drinks it and dives face first into it..

*He is now facing forward in a convertible carseat..He was crammed in the infant one and the straps didn't fit him, so we made the switch last week..He seems fine with it so far, can see the tv though doesn't seem to care..the only negative is that he can't sleep as well in it, so he isn't getting a long nap on those long rides like before!

I love you HB and love what a big boy you are becoming. I am cherishing those times you put your head down on my chest and play with my necklace. Even if you only say Mama when you are sad, I love hearing it! You still give great kisses and your smile is to die for! What an amazing gift you are!