Leslie gave us her tickets that she got from groupon and we headed to the Flying L in Bandera. It was a fun day. I have to say I was kindof pouty because I wanted to stay until the last smores were burned in the campfire, but Daniel and the kids couldn't hang. At least, we didn't give them the chance to show us they couldn't!

We got to hit up the waterpark which is a good size for younger kids, see the horses, & play putt-putt. All the kids did great..Emmaline is a little fish and wanted to go off on her own, and she rode the slide by herself finally! Georgia was a little more laid back and took it all in..she isn't a fan of water sprayed on her head that she can't control, but she also rode the slide with Daniel and me. She loves things once she tries them!

And HB just drank as much water as he could and crawled around smiling the rest of the time. The lazy river was fun and it took me back two summers ago when G fell asleep on Daniel in the lazy river at the Hyatt..sweetness!

It was a great day..I will say putt-putt may be a few more years off in the distance for us..the girls didn't care too much about it, but they at least attempted to drag the ball in the hole!

Now I know how to do it there though...have naps at home early, then head out around 4, hit up the waterpark til it's time for all the other activities to begin at dusk! Next time!!
Thanks to the McLeans for not using your groupon for a year so we could!! ;)
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