Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Family Christmases - part 1

We had our 3 family Christmases as usual. It was a l-o-n-g time to be gone from home. It was actually perfect timing with our house going on the market but still a daunting task to pack for over a week for 5 people and to include in all the Christmas gifts. It barely fit..like I had to tell you that.
We started out heading to Houston, League City, to be exact for the Listi side of Christmas. This one is always fun with Daniel's brothers and sister and the in-laws! This was my first time to see Tony and Brandi's new house. It is gorgeous and large! The 3rd floor has a pool/movie room complete with a bar area...ummm fun, I want one of those! There is even plenty of room for a pool in the backyard! We will definitely go back this summer! The food was yummy, the drinks were yummier, the kids loved their gifts and we scored on our White Elephant exchange!
The girls got a gumball machine, lots of colors and stickers and Barbies! The girls loved playing with their cousins, Ashley, Cody and Brandon while Hayes mastered the stairs. He was good before but this just gave him lots of practice going up and down. Hayes was a bit fussy that night and it was annoying but he powered through til 8 pm!
On Sunday, we dropped off Daniel at Hobby Airport to fly to Harlingen for a few days and me and the kids headed to Carlo and Lynns to say one last Merry Christmas and snag some M&Ms.
We got to see Juliette's side of the family and we only had to take 4 bathroom breaks on the way to College Station. Our car was even more full than when we left but so were our hearts (AWWWW, I just couldn't resist the cheesy quote!).

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